2nd Week: Day 2

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Thress: Snowy Day

Cress yelled in fright. "Captain! Captain!"

Thorne ran out from the Rampion, afraid of what he would find. Except what he found only made him feel confused. "Cress?" He crossed his arms, a brow raised.

She let out a breath of relief as she turned to see him at the door. "Oh, Captain! Thank the stars. M-my feet! I'm being pulled into the Earth; I'm sinking!"

Thorne was silent for a few seconds, just looking from her face to her feet. Then he bent over laughing, wheezing sounds escaping.


He recovered and straightened his jacket. Walking as best as he could in the snow, he reached her and pulled her up. "Cress, this is snow. It's normal to 'sink,'" he chuckled, offering her an arm. She took it. "What do you say we put on proper shoes?"

Twenty minutes later, now dressed properly, the two entered the winter wonderland once again. Several inches of snow covered the ground and Thorne let himself fall backwards.

Currently their stop in the, as Thorne called it, "Antidote Adventure" was in the very Northern tip of the Eastern Commonwealth. Cress, so far, seemed to be enjoying this stay the most, what with the snow.

She fell onto the snow too. "Winter was named after something truly beautiful," she whispered, mesmerized.

Thorne frowned. "She was named Carswell Thorne?"

Cress chuckled and then sat up. "Can we make a snowman?"

"A- a snow-- Of course we can!" He stood up quickly but held up a finger. "I propose something better." An evil grin appeared in between the stubble. "I say we have a snowball fight."

"A-a snowball f-fight...?"

Thorne grinned and bent down to grab a pile of snow. Carefully, he patted it until it was a perfect sphere. Most people would say it was impossible to have the perfect snowball, but they just hadn't met the lucky Carswell Thorne. He winked at Cress, not saying anything, just winking out of context.

"You make a snowball and then..." He threw the snow at Cress, who was standing less than five feet away. "You throw it at your enemy." He spent a few minutes showing her how to make a sphere and then the next hour engaging in a war.

By the time they were done, they were shivering from head to toe. Thorne led Cress back into the Rampion, an arm over her shoulders. "Hot chocolate?" he offered, taking her to the kitchen. She nodded and Thorne went into the cupboards until he found two packages of hot cocoa mix.

They sat down with their cups and sipped. After a while though, Thorne interrupted Cress' story when he spit out a large amount of his drink. "Aces! Cress, we're supposed to be distributing antido-- When's the deadline for Russia?"

Cress pulled out her port and with wide eyes said, "Friday."

It was Wednesday and this was a large region.

Thorne set his mug down, carried Cress bridal style, and rushed to the pilot and co-pilot seats. He set Cress down and buckled her in.

He took a seat and turned on the Rampion's engine. They rose off the ground and hit a tree. "Whoops, my bad." He glanced at Cress. "Ready, Darling?"

Cress nodded. "I'm just glad you can see where you're going now."

Thorne laughed. "That is so two months ago."

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