1st Week: Day 4

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Wincin: Classical Hollywood (AU)

"Oh no. Are they looking, Sir Clay?" Winter Hayle, Hollywood's princess, whispered. Her honey colored eyes were wide with nerves; she feared the paparazzi outside the cafe would come inside and recognize her beneath the scarf and sunglasses.

When she had first entered into the world of celebrities, the sudden wave of fame had been overwhelming. So overwhelming, in fact, that she'd tried to ruin her beauty in hope that it would drive the people away. Thankfully, her manager and stepmother, Levana, had stepped in just in time to stop her from causing any real harm. Winter had made three tear-shaped scars on her right cheek, but it was better than what she would have done, had she not been caught. The media had passed it off as the young actress trying to make a new fashion statement. Now, all over the nation, young girls wore three plastic strips of red on their cheeks.

Ever since that incident, Winter had been going to see a psychologist every Thursday. She played it off as nothing, but Jacin knew it bothered her. He also knew Levana hated Winter as much as Winter had come to hate the fame. People thought she'd gone slightly insane. Jacin? Ge thought she was more beautiful than the very season she was named after.

"You're fine, Winter." He slid his black glasses higher onto his nose. "They're too distracted with the guy from the superhero movie. He's across the street."

Winter gasped and stood up, nearly knocking off her own shades. "Where?"

"Sit. Down," Jacin hissed. She listened.

Jacin was in his regular security guard attire: a black tux with matching black shoes, dark glasses, and his white-blonde hair tied back in a tail. He'd realized that when he traded out his black tie for a colored one, Winter smiled more, so today, he was wearily a silky blue one. It matched Winter's blue sundress and he couldn't say he didn't like that fact.

"But I wish to meet him," she mumbled, cupping her chin in her hands.

"If you meet him, you also meet those lunatics outside. Got i-- Don't move."

Winter frowned. "But, wh--"

They had been spotted.

"We're gonna get up now, alright? We're going to leave through the back door and we are going to strip of these clo--"

Winter gasped. "But we will get arrested, Sir Clay! For public nudity!"

"We are wearing clothes under, Miss Hayle. Have you forgotten?"

"Oh! Right, right. And then?" She stared at him intently.

"And then we pretend to be random strangers."

Winter clapped her hands together. "How exciting!"

Jacin sighed, counted to three, stood, and led the two of them out through the back door. They took off their clothes, revealing common citizen clothing beneath. Jacin grabbed her hand and ran, ran as fast as he could towards their car, which was-- nowhere. Jacin kept running but cursed loudly. Their ride had agreed to come in an hour.

He slowed down and readjusted the hood of his sweatshirt. He kept his head down, instructing Winter to do the same. They walked, looking out of place in the ninety degree weather, until their feet hurt. Even then, they didn't stop. They passed through the walk of fame (Winter pointed out her own star) and then stopped at a corner to rest.

Except even that was a bad idea; a man started walking towards them with a notebook in hand, a suspicious look on his face.

Before Jacin knew what he was doing, he had taken off his glasses and given them to Winter, placed a hand over her right cheek, and kissed her to keep her hidden.

Just to keep her hidden, he reminded himself, only that. He was sure he'd seen this somewhere in a movie before. Something about public affection making people uncomfortable...

He kept his eyes open to make sure the man left, and when he did, he started to pull away. Except Winter refused to let him go.

It no longer meant nothing.

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