Day Two: Espionage

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"Wolf!" Scarlet whisper-yelled. She brought the black mask over her head off, setting her trapped red curls loose.

Wolf, dressed in mostly black leather, appeared from behind a metal door. His two palms were in front of him as he walked slowly towards her, his head down staring at the object he was holding. In the darkness, Scarlet could only see a red substance dripping onto the floor.

She stepped forward. "Oh, stars, Wolf! You're bleeding..." She held his hands in her small hands and then the worry melted away. She let go and let out a small chuckle.
"Aaand, it's tomato juice."

"I stepped on him," Ze'ev whispered, his voice filled with pain and remorse. He looked up, and Scarlet realized his eyes were glossy.

"Wolf--" she started.

Wolf blinked, sniffled, then looked back down. "A brother has fallen."

It was at times like these that Scarlet wondered why his street name was what it was. She couldn't see how the man standing in front of her, so hurt and calm, could possibly resemble a wolf. Then she would remember the man and his neck...

Scarlet shook her head, clearing her mind. She couldn't think about that. Not now, not ever. It was for the best if she forgot about that night all together. Wolf wasn't the same man anymore. He was different. He was good.

She tapped his shoulder. "Hey, Wolf?" He looked up and looked at her with his piercing green eyes, making her breath catch in her throat. She took a deep breath and continued, "We need to hurry."

Wolf sniffled one more time before trudging over to the sink and rinsing off the red goop filled with seeds. He closed the faucet and placed his palms on the counter. "I don't know why I just--"

Scarlet rolled her eyes. "It's okay, Wolf. It's okay. We just have to move quicker, alright? It's almost dawn and I don't want to go to jail for 'trespassing private property.'"

"I could always scare the owner off," Wolf offered with a small shrug.

She crossed her arms and tilted her head as she peered at him with her own big, brown eyes. "Look at you, being the big bad wolf," she teased with a cheeky smile.

Wolf frowned, turning away and towards the crates piled at the back of Reiux Tavern's kitchen. He immediately set to unstacking them and searching through each one. "I'm not bad," he muttered.

Scarlet's cheeks flushed and her shoulders sagged.


She stared at his back, noting how his back muscles flexed every time he moved his arms. He looked tense, and Scarlet felt guilty for saying what she had said. She knew how hard he was trying. During the revolution, he had been the only one to enforce a 'no harming' rule. Even Cress and the emperor had had their fair share of torturing for information and breaking fingers.

Scarlet absentmindedly rubbed over the stub that was once her finger, and sighed, letting her mind wander back to what she had been thinking.

Sure, Wolf had ended up breaking a few guards' bones. And yeah, maybe he had killed a person or two. But it was the thought that counted... right?

Static filled Scarlet's left ear and she pressed a finger to the crook that connected it with her neck. Cress' voice streamed through. "It's almost five. You need to move; I'm getting signals that there's someone at the front door... Make that someone two someones."

"Copy that." She released the small chip and readjusted her night vision goggles. Taking quiet steps, she walked towards Wolf again.

Just as she reached him, he lifted his arm in triumph. In his hand was a thin golden chain with a letter S attached to it. "Found it," he whispered softly, wiping his other hand on the fabric of his jeans.

Scarlet grabbed it, smiled, then stuffed it into the pocket of her blue hoodie (a gift from Thorne after he claimed she wore red far too often). She looked back up at Wolf and cupped his face in her hands. "Thank you."

He looked down and smiled, whispering, "Anything for my Alpha."

The door to the dining portion of the tavern opened and Gilles stepped inside. Scarlet's eyes widened as she let out a gasp. Wolf clenched and unclenched his fists. He stepped inside with a scowl. "What do you think you're doing here, Benoit?" he asked through gritted teeth.

Scarlet stepped away from Wolf and held up the chain. "Recovering a gift that fell into the onions?" she tried.

Gilles let out a deep breath, closed his eyes, and pressed two fingers on space between his brows. "Out. Now."

"You're-- you're not arresting us?" Wolf asked, an eyebrow raised and arms crossed.

"Just get out," Gilles repeated. "I don't think authorities would arrest the world's heroes."

And so they left, high-fiving each other as soon as they were out.

"Well, Thorne did get all previous charges lifted..."

Wolf grinned, sharp canines and all. "He said we were heroes."

Scarlet linked her arm around Wolf's and continued to walk towards the hover where Cress was waiting. "You'll always be my hero, Wolf."

Please give me feedback (even if you hated it)!

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