1st Week: Day 2

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Wincin: Sunny Day

"Jacin, may I open my eyes now? I really wish to see where we are going," Winter spoke, her hands covering her eyes as Jacin led her to their destination.

All month, Jacin had been planning this day. It wasn't much like him to put together surprises, but neither was being in a revolution and he had already done that. He figured it was time to turn over a new leaf.

"Silence, princess. Listen."

Birds and bees moved around them, not at all bothered by the presence of two Lunars in their Earthen environment.

Winter sighed, slightly stumbling on a rock as she did so. "I have listened, Jacin. Now can you please inform me of where we are going?"

Jacin smiled to himself. (He seemed to be smiling a lot more nowadays.) He shook his head and rolled his eyes now. "Think, princess. You can hear chirping. You can feel a light breeze hitting your soft skin. You can feel the ground as we walk. Where do you suppose we are?"

She was silent for a moment and Jacin stopped walking to give her a chance to think. "Is it a volcano?" she whispered, "I can just feel the heat and I know for sure there are volcanos on Earth."

Jacin rolled his eyes. "Yes, Winter. We are in a volcano with magma and fire. Of course we are."

Winter gasped and let her hands fall to the side as she looked around with wide eyes. "Really?"

Jacin groaned. "Winter!"

She covered her mouth with her hands. "Sorry!" She frowned. "Jacin, you lied to me. This is no volcano."

Jacin offered her his arm and she gladly took it as they continued to walk. "Of course it isn't, princess. I would never burn you up."

"I believe you and Levana have very different views."

The sun beat down on them and Jacin couldn't help but let his guard down for once. He felt at peace. He felt there was nothing that could hurt them now, not when Winter was recovering from the surgery and when the sun was beating down on them so warmly. He let out a deep breath.

"Do you feel at peace?" asked Winter, reading his mind as they arrived to the tree with the double swing.

"Yes," Jacin admitted, helping her up and then sitting down beside her. "I do. I feel happy."

The swing started its back and forth motion. One moment they were in the shade of the tree, the next they were under the sun.

Winter rested her head on his shoulder.

"And you princess? Are you happy?"

She grinned, making Jacin feel an all too familiar feeling in his chest. "Of course," she replied sweetly. "I'm feeling very much happy."

They remained in silence, focusing only on the cloudless sky and ground.



"I don't ever wish to leave."

It took him a moment to respond. "I do." She frowned at his response. "I'm feeling a bit dizzy..."

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