Oneshot #15: There are Two Types of Shells in This World

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<<Requested by millaloraine . 2/4>>

Winter wiggled her toes happily and dug them into the sand some more. It was a weird feeling being like this- relaxed and uncaring of the issues going on around the earth that she, as an ambassador, was supposed to attend to. She wasn't complaining in any way, obviously, but she did miss the pressure of deadlines, reports and whatnot. She giggled quietly and let her back fall onto the sand.



"That didn't sound like a question," she observed with a frown.

"That's because it wasn't."

"How rude," she hummed, hitting the balls of her feet against the ground so that small indentations appeared. She stopped with a sigh and settled instead for grabbing handfuls of wet sand and squishing them with her palms.

"Why are you so jumpy?" Jacin asked.

Winter raised a brow and sat up again. She turned around 180 degrees so that she was facing Jacin's body and slapped him hard against the chest. He didn't flinch but opened his eyes and looked at her. "You know perfectly well why I am ju-- Don't make that face, Jacin." She slapped him again.

He laughed. Grabbing a hold of her small hand and sitting up, he pulled her into his lap. "When did you become so violent, huh, Trouble?" He pressed his lips against her hand and she felt her cheeks increase in temperature. He'd always make her feel this way, she knew.

"A few years back, perhaps, though I have a feeling it may have been when I had the pleasure of meeting you. In which case it may have been a bit more than a few years." She shrugged. "Who knows? Not me."

"Obviously," Jacin scoffed.

Winter slapped him again. "And when did you get so rude?" He opened his mouth to speak, but she continued. "Trick question. You've always been rude." And with that she was off, running away from her significant other.

"Winter come back here!"

She shrieked happily and anxiously, deciding going into the water would be the best option. But of course with Jacin being a guard, he was a fast runner and a great swimmer, and he'd caught up to her in less than a minute.

Wrapping his arms around her small frame tightly, he pulled the two of them into the water.

In the few seconds that they were under water, Winter caught a glimpse of nothing but an endless distance of different shades of blue. Soon, she was on the surface again taking deep breaths and blinking furiously. "My eyes burnnn, Jacin."

He pushed her fingers away gently and rubbed away the water that was still surrounding her eyes. "I've told you not to open them, Winter. There's high levels of salt and-"

Winter sighed, finally being able to see clearly. "Yeah, yeah." She rested her arms around her his neck and grinned widely. "I want to collect shells."

"How very Levana of you," he joked.

Confused for a few seconds, Winter frowned. When she finally understood what Jacin was implying, her eyes widened. "Hey!" He laughed, pulling her toward him. "Not those shells, silly."

"I know." He let go, a smile on his face. He tucked a wet not-so-curly curl away behind her ear and let out a relaxed sigh. "Ready?"

Winter nodded happily, her eyes lighting up and taking Jacin's hand as they made their way out of the water and onto the shore.

"You know what, Jacin?" she asked a few minutes later as she bent down to pick up a large white shell. She placed it in the small bucket he was holding. "This thing may be a little late, considering we married a year ago, but I'm really glad we're here."

"I love you, my princess."

She hummed happily and turned back to pick up some more shells she found appealing. "Hmm. I know."


I'm back, I'm sorry I took so long. It's a bit short but I want you guys to know I'm still here. Until I update my other works, which are my priorities, I won't come back to this. I hope you understand.
If you have any current requests, though, don't forget to comment (I might have forgotten them).
Thanks so much for sticking by (and 25k+ reads!!) (:

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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