Day Four: Costume

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Wincin (two years before the revolution)
"I am not wearing this," Jacin declared. He was standing in front of a mirror, his eyes currently focused on the heavy black shoes he was wearing.

"Oh, please, Jacin! It's a classic!"

Winter came up from behind him and stood next to him. Her own reflection came into view, white dress and all.

He gave her a flat look and pointed to his face. "I'm green." He spun in a circle... slowly. "And I can barely walk in these shoes."

She frowned, a small wrinkle forming above her brow. Jacin knew that look. It was the 'I'm thinking of how to convince you' look. He was all too familiar with it; he always ended up convinced. But if there was anything Jacin knew at the moment it was that he would not be persuaded this time. There was no amusement in being dressed as a green thing with ripped clothing, blocky shoes, and bolts coming out of your forehead.

"Please?" she asked, looking up through her thick eyelashes, looking like a small and innocent five year old.


"Pretty pretty please?"

"It is highly unprofessional. It would be awful to have me, a guard, dressed identically with you, the Lunar princess."

Princess Winter stopped fumbling with the lace sleeve of her dress then and looked up abruptly at Jacin, her eyes slightly narrowed. She let go of the sleeve and let her arm fall to her side as she pointed at herself. "Do I look as if I care what mother thinks, Sir Clay?"

Jacin crossed her arms. "Her Majesty might get the wrong impression," he said with a half shrug.

"Why in the name of Luna would she get a wrong impression?"

Jacin uncrossed his arms and gave her a deadpanned look. "You're right. Because nothing screams an acceptable impression like the Princess and the guard wearing a couple costume."

She gave a sharp nod, and a curl came out of her tight up-do. "Exactly." She walked away from the mirror, making sure to hide it, and hummed. "Glad we are on the same page."

Jacin exhaled and walked behind her. He spun her around and grabbed her by the arms. "We are not a couple, Princess."

He felt as she stopped moving, only for a second, and then continued to breathe. He was sure he'd done the same thing. Not because the words had affected him or anything.

Winter smiled brightly, a smile brighter than the largest star in the sky. "Well, of course we aren't. That would be absurd... would it not?" She wriggled out of his grasp and went to the chest by her large bed made for royalty. She opened it and took out a small box with dozens of shining red candies before popping one into her mouth.

She flopped onto the bed, and Jacin sighed. He trudged over and sat beside her. "I shouldn't even be in here. I could get decapitated for being in your sleeping quarters."

Winter giggled innocently. "Her Majesty hasn't decapitated anyone in a year, I'm sure she'd only cut off your finger."

"That makes me feel much better, Princess, really. Thank you." He stood. "I should be going."

As he stood from the bed, he felt a thin and warm hand wrap around his wrist. He looked back. Winter was sitting up now, her eyes pleading. "Please say you will stay in costume."

Five seconds went by, before he let out a quiet exhale. "Of course."


The ballroom was crowded as expected. Several guards were stationed throughout the enormous room. He should have been one of those guards. Instead though, he was some sort of experiment gone wrong. Definitely what he would have wanted to look like, but it wasn't all that bad. He'd never admit it, but the jacket was actually comfortable.

Making his way through the jumble of people dancing and waiters going around with fizzing drinks, he looked for the princess. The shoes were an advantage, giving him an extra inch or two of height.

Finally, his grey-blue eyes locked with light honey-brown eyes, and he walked steadily over to her. He stuffed his hand into his pocket, clutched the object he had brought, and put on a smile just as Winter approached him.

"You didn't take it off," she noted, obviously pleased.

She looked stunning, even in a tall black and white wig. She had used her three scars as an advantage, and painted them to look like stitches. Her normally red lips were now a dark black. The long white dress brought out her features, and Jacin had to try hard not to gape.

He cleared his throat. "I promised, did I not?" He took out the small box and handed it to the princess. "Happy birthday, Trouble," he whispered.

Ignoring all the rules they had mutually set, Winter wrapped her arms around him and buried her face into the crook of his neck. She smelled faintly of honey and apples.

"You make the walls stop bleeding," she whispered.

Jacin chuckled, something he did only when around his princess, and replied, "It's what I'm here for."

She pulled away and cleared her throat, standing straight. She put on a serious look and stared into Jacin's eyes (he may or may not have melted). "Jacin..."


"Put your arms out like this." She stuck her arms out straight in front of her, her hands hanging limply. Jacin did as he was told. "Now, walk like this." She put her feet shoulder length apart and then started to take one slow, idiotic step at a time.

Jacin scoffed. "What am I? The undead?"

"No," said Winter, coming back and standing normally. "You're a lab experiment that can barely walk."

Jacin groaned. "Why did you choose to have a costume ball, Winter?"

She smiled happily. "Look around, Jacin-" He let his eyes sweep the crowd "-this is what everyday life looks like in my eyes." Goblins and ghouls were walking, pixies and pirates were dancing.

She was talking about her illusions.

"I'm not the only crazy one here tonight."

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