Oneshot #4: Forced Bonding

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"He's an ignorant Lunar- no offense to Winter, and you... you don't count- that doesn't respect androids," Iko huffed, crossing her arms and turning away from the door.

Kinney turned his head towards her. "I can hear you, you selfish robot."

"I am an escort droid, you moron, get it RI-- Did you just call me SELFISH?" She stood from her seat and started stomping towards Kinney. "Cinder, hold my heels!"

Cinder held out an arm, blocking Iko's path. "Nobody will be holding anybody's heels because somebody is going to sit down and calm down. ACES." Cinder rubbed her temple as Iko sat back down, still glaring at Kinney with red eyes. She mouthed him an I WILL KILL YOU.

"I brought you two in here because I can't have my guard fighting with my friend--"

"Hear that? She called ME her friend."

"--during today's festival. So, that being said... I'm locking both of you in here." Cinder stood, ignoring Iko's threats and Kinney's groans. She walked to the door. "Move, Kinney."

"Actually, I'm gonna have to politely reject your request..."


He sighed and opened the door for her. Soon, only Iko and him remained in the throne room and Cinder was locking the door from the outside.

Kinney slid down the wall and onto the floor, his legs stretched out in front of him. He looked up at Iko with his mesmerizing eyes and shrugged. "It's YOUR fault she locked us in if you hadn't been so immature..."

"Oh, you're calling ME immature? You so--"

"Maybe for once you could act like the thing you are and lsten to orders."

That was crossing the line.

Iko narrowed her eyes, grateful for once she couldn't cry and mad that her eyes had probably already changed color. Her shoulders sagged and she turned away from Kinney again. "Sometimes machines are more human than humans."

"Actually I'm Lunar so..."

"Explains a lot," Iko scoffed.

Kinney chuckled; Iko had never heard him chuckle and she hated to admit it, but it wasn't so bad. "You have a point there, Droid."

She glared at the wall. "I have a name."

"I know."

"You don't."

She heard shuffling. "I know a lot more than you think." She didn't respond. "I know you were a Serv9.2 and that you were the Linh family's android. I know your weakness is shoes. You were once a ship. You find me attractive--"

Iko held up a hand and turned to face him. "How is that relevant?" She shook her head. "I mean, that's not true." He raised a brow and Iko crossed her arms, closing her eyes in what she hoped look like she was sassy. "Not anymore, at least."

"Don't know if I should feel honored or disturbed..."


"You were a mista-- wow that would have sounded rude... Not that I care psh... Your personality chip had a glitch. There's only three models like yourself left on Earth... Care for me to continue?"

Actually, Iko DID want him to continue, but her pride didn't want to admit it. Due to this, she just kept ignoring him. She heard the sound of a wrapper being unwrapped and she opened her eyes. "What's that?"

"Butterscotch. Want some?" he said while sucking on the small piece of candy.

Iko looked at him suspiciously. "I don't have tastebuds."

"Bummer." He took out his portscreen, looked at the screen, and then put it away again. "So..."

For the first hour, it was a pain. But soon it melted away and they were talking about colors and shoes and planets.

Kinney's port beeped; a comm from Cinder, informing them the doors had been opened. He stood and waved at Iko.

"Bye, hater!"

Kinney stopped before the door. "Oh, and, Iko?"

"Yes, oh jerkful jerk?"

He produced a small metal key from his pocket, grinned, then put it back. "I could hve left whenever I wanted to." He saluted once more. "See ya." And then he was gone.

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