He was being harsh, not like his usual good-natured self at all. Tears waited at the edge of Gemina's eyes.

"I did earn it! I served my term of Amnesty, paid my weekly tithe to the Church of $300—"

He cut her off. "Which you've missed for the past two weeks. Frankly, I was surprised to see you at study today."

Heat rose to her face. True, she hadn't paid tithe lately, but she thought her friends would understand. Her savings were running out, a fact she shared openly with the group. They tsked, affirmed that money was hard to come by, and offered to cook her dinner a few nights a week. All the niceties now seemed false in light of Fallon's current demeanor.

She muttered an apology. Her eyes blurred as she stumbled in a zig-zag-like pattern to the exit. A hand fell on her back, and Gemina assumed it belonged to Fallon.

When she turned, she discovered that the hand actually belonged to Cybil Goodwise. Cybil was the kindest to her in group, lending her interface for Bible study if Gemina forgot to bring hers, coming to Gemina's house with cookies and tea for gossip time. She could trust Cybil.

Her friend's smile slipped, forming a pinched line.

"What is it?" Gemina wiped her eyes.

She gestured for Gemina to move with her into the empty hallway next to the meeting room. Once there, Cybil spoke quickly.

"I overheard Group Leader Fallon meeting with some Prominents."

"Yes, and?" Cybil's story differed little from any other day.

"They were in dark suits, like the one Sammies wear." Cybil swallowed a lump in her wrinkled throat. "They were looking for you."

"Oh no."

Ada and Kressick had been right. All the Amnesty in the world wasn't going to help Gemina in this situation. Once Sammies came looking for a citizen, Undesirable status wasn't far behind. But even Undesirables could reach a higher status, once they came back from wherever they were sent.

"You're not late on your supplemental, are you?" Cybil was a gossip, but a keen one.

Gemina sniffled. "A little."

With clipped movements, her friend adjusted her glasses, all business. "You need to go. Fallon's probably calling them right now. Go home, pack, and be gone before they get there." Again, she touched Gemina's back, this time to push her toward the front door.

She moved to leave, but glanced back briefly. "Thanks, Cybil."

Her friend checked behind her. "You're welcome. Go!"


About halfway home from Ada's small-stakes robbery, the car chugged along, then died. She groaned in frustration. Somehow, the car hadn't charged up all the way.

Over the last few months, the battery charged less and less, losing power after a couple of hours. Ada had been meaning to change it out. Had she the funds for the details in life, she might've gotten around to it. As she sat on the side of the road in her lifeless vehicle, she regretted the oversight.

August would've remembered to change the battery.

He would've done so and not expected any thanks in return, just the small smile he would come around with, the one that said, I know you're scatter-brained, but I love you still.

Despite the fact it wouldn't turn on, she pushed the power button again. When it didn't start, she sighed.

Five thousand dollars isn't worth much sitting around in my pocket.

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