Chapter 34- New Home

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Ashley's P.O.V

"Fox you are related to the Rose family!"

We cheered at that.

"So I'm a brother?" Fox said surprised.

"Yes but not just a brother."

We looked at him confused.

"It turns out that you are a fraternal  triplet to R.J and M.J.

We all were excited but I was thinking.

If he's R.J and M.J's fraternal triplet, then why hasn't he been with us? That doesn't make any since.

"Your right, that doesn't make since." Fox said.

"Well I guess your mother never told you guys, but when R.J, M.J and Fox were born, someone came in and tried to steal R.J, but couldn't tell you guys apart so accidently took Fox. We tried to find you but couldn't. But your mom never gave up. She looked for years, and years. Even after her next set of triplets were born. But when you guys told her about the phone call she knew who it was and kept looking for you."

"But when she was finally going to be able to bring you back. She was killed by the leader of that gang."

"So let me get this straight. Our mom was a spy working for the government, not a nurse." I said looking at the doctor.

"Well she was a nurse to but yes she was a spy."

We all went silent until the doctor spoke.

"Don't be mad at her, she only wanted the best for you."

"If you think I'm mad, then your saddley mistaken......if anything I'm excited!"

"Yes I'm upset that she didn't tell us, but like you said she only wanted the best for us. Plus my mom was a spy!"

We laughed at my excitement, and later on went to sleep.

***release day***

"Okay so I just realized that I don't really know anything about you except for your records, so can you like to me something about you." Dylan said. "Oh and Rose family first the the Stone family. That way I'll know who is in who's family."

"Okay I'll start. I'm R.J and the oldest of all of them. I like sports and playing the guitar, and hate it when someone steals my food and bullying."

"I'm M.J and second oldest. My likes and dislikes are the same as R.J."

"I'm Fox, I guess, and am the third oldest, I think. My likes are food and weapons. My dislikes the same as them."

"My name is Kendall and in the fourth oldest. I like sports, playing my guitar, and fashion. My dislikes are the same things as them."

"I'm Keyontae and the fifthe oldest. I like sports, playing my drums, and food. My dislikes are the same as them."

"I'm Ashley and I'm the youngest. I love sports, food, weapons, race cars, playing my guitar, and 'birthday tradition. My dislikes are the same as them. Also I hate it when someone messes with my family. Just a little heads up, piss me off and you might not live to see the next day."

"Okay then. I guess the Stone family is next."


"Okay now with the disorders because I can tell almost all of you have one, and in return I'll tell you mine."

R.J-" I have insomnia.

M.J- "I have insomnia.

Fox- "I have PTSD.

Kendall-" I have insomnia.

Keyontae-" I'm an I.E.D, and I have insomnia

Ashley-" I have ADHD, but its not that bad. I also have insomnia, and I'm an I.E.D."

Noah-" I have insomnia.

Matt-" Insomnia.

Conner-" Insomnia.

Jay-" I'm an I.E.D.

Chase-" I have ADHD, I'm an I.E.D. And I have insomnia."

"Okay so basically I'm dealing with insomnia, ADHD, I.E.D'S, and PTSD." We nodded." Okay not so bad. I guess its my turn. I have insomnia and PTSD. Not a good combination."

"So how about we head to my house and figure out the bed rooms. I don't know how many rooms are in the house so you guys might have to share."

"Ugh!" We all said.

"I know that wasn't part of the deal but at least I'm letting you keep everything else."

We muttered a fine and checked out of the hospital.


When we arrived at his house it was huge. The inside was even bigger than the outside.

"Okay so let me go check how many rooms there are and you guys can just stay here and make yourself at home." He left us in the living room while he was upstairs.

"This is huge."

"I know."

A few minutes of looking around Dylan came down the steps.

"Okay, turns out I have 12 rooms and its eleven of you guys. So you all can-"

We cut him off by running up the steps. I was fatsre than all of them and chose the biggest room.

It had a queen sized bed with blue green colored walls. It had a book shelf and a desk.

I even had my own bathroom.

"By the way guys all of the rooms are connected except for mine."

Everyone said okay and continued to explore their room.

***next morning***

"You guys can go back to school next week, being that its Friday. I have to go to work so I will see you about around 9. There is some breakfast still on the stove and if you want cereal its on top of the fridge." He started walking out of the house." You can do whatever you want, just don't trash the house." He checked the time on his watch." I'm going to be late. Okay love you guys bye."

"Bye Dylan."

We all watched as he left down the street.

"Okay we have to do some research on him." Keyontae said.

"And then we can figure out my real name once we're done." Fox said.

We all looked at him confused.

"I'm saying if I'm your biological brother, then surely I had a different name." He said in a matter a fact tone.

"Okay well let's split this up. Five of us do research on Dylan and six of us do research on Fox." I said.

"Okay. Then the five people can be the Stone family and the Rose family do the research on Fox." R.J said.

We all agreed and went to the public library.

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