Chapter 14- Fun Day (Part 1)

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*timeskip from chapter 12*

Ashley's P.O.V

I was in class sitting on the very back with Keyontae and Kendall. We were in home room. Guess who else is in my home room class. You guessed it the trader Sunny and the ex crush Jay. I can't stand being in the same class as those now. And what's bad about this is that we have the largest amount of people in the class so we are seperated in a groups of 7.

Which consist of me, Kendall, Keyontae, Conner, Chase, and those two other people that shall not be named.
But to be honest I have gotten over him. It took my feelings getting hurt but im over it. If he wants to stick his tounge down people's throat then that's none of my business.

"Alright class today we will be doing group work. You will be testing each group member by seeing who can hold out the longest."

Everyone in the class started questioning what she was talking about.

"Let me finish before you start to question me. Everyone in the group will have to do a task. And it will be painful. So, pick a person in the group to do each task. Here are your worksheets. Oh and whoever recieves the most points that group will get a free homework pass and a free 100 for their lowest grade."

Everyone got there own personal sheet. We all looked at the sheet with shock. This is what it said:

See how long you can go.

Instructions: Each group will pick a member to do a task. Whoever does the task has to see how long they can go. If one of your group members quit you recieve no points for that round.

Note: task 4 uses two people.

Task 1: Test how well you know your group members by going in the tunnel of facts. You will be asked questions about each group member. If you answer wrong you will be hit with an egg.

Task 2: Face your fears and eat as many worms you can without throwing up. (These worms are harmless and have had permission from the p rincipal use and do this.)

Task 3: Cinnamon challenge.

Task 4: Two people will do this challenge. One will be cuffed to a a chair blindfolded. While the other will have to run through obstacles to get to their partner.

Task 5: Deliver things for a teacher. If you deliver the wrong thing you will have to put ice in your pants. But here's a twist. You will be blindfolded.

Task 6: Stay in a tub of ice and water for as long as you can.

We looked at the sheet and decided who would do what. It took us a while but we finally decided who would do what.

Task 1: Kendall
Task 2: Keyontae
Task 3: Chase
Task 4: Jay and Sunny
Task 5: Conner
Task 6: Ashley

This wasn't a bad choice of things. We were told wewould do this tomorrow so we had a while day to think about who would do what. It didn't take long so we turned our papers in as soon as we figured it out.

The bell ring so our group gathered our things. We were the last group to leave cause after we turned our paper in to our teacher. She was concerned about our choices so she wanted to talk to us.

She specially said " group 4 stay after class." So that's what we did.

" You guys sure about this list. I mean you have the girls doing the almost all the worst and nasty things like number 6 and 2."

Me and Keyontae looked at each other then at her and then glared at her. What was that supposed to mean, I thought to myself.

" What was that supposed to mean. I mean with all do respect it soundslike you doubt me and my sisters ability." I said feeling myself get mad.

"I'm sorry for affending you if I did. I was just concerned about your choices. Your doing an ice bath and she's eating worms aren't you at least worried about your choices." Mrs. Hawkins said.

"And we appreciate that but we're fine doing the choices we picked. Come on let's go." Keyontae said while pushing me out the room.


Second period.

I was in P.E talking to my sister's. We were discussing the choices we made in math class. I know...that's something you usually don't do in class but like she said, it's a fun day project.

"How you guys feel about the choices everyone chose." Kendall said. But I knew she was directing that towards me. She was talking about number 4.

"I feel fine about my choice. I don't really care about the 4th one. If him and her want to do it its their choice. Not mine." I said.

They looked at me with concern for a moment. My sisters worry to much.
But they just care for me.

"Seriously I'm fine." I said.

"Okay, I trust you little sis. If you say your fine. Then your fine." Keyontae said with a smile that says ' I trust you' and ' I believe you'. Kendall nodded and said i do to.


Finally it was time for the Fun Day program, and I couldn't wait for it.

"Alright Task 1 is about to start. The participants in this category need to come to the tunnel of facts." Mrs. Hawkins said.

The show is just now getting started I thought to myself.

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