Chapter 24- Remembering Memories

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Lisa's P.O.V (moms name)

Ashley was tired we couldn't even get her off of Chase. But the craziest thing is when I went to try and lift her up, R.J, Noah, and Chase would all yell no, and then beg me not to.

But we finally got her to go to bed.

Something happened while I was gone, and I'm going to find out.

Everyone was asleep except for R.J, Noah, and Chase. They were putting ice on their bruises.

This is the perfect time to get answers.

I walked into the living room and saw them all with ice on their face and stomach.

"Hey you guys can I talk to you for a minute." They nodded not being able to talk because of the pain.

"Um.....can you please just tell me what happened? I mean....I trust everyone of you guys.......its just getting harder everyday to keep up with what goes on in this family, especially now that five more people live in this house." I looked at Noah and Chase to see that their heads were down."Don't get me wrong I love all of you guys its just hard to keep the family happy if I don't know what goes on in my own house."

"Mom, we understand." Noah started off.

"How about from here on out no more secrets. I don't want to loose my family. I did once when I was in the dark and I don't plan on doing that again." Chase said looking at me with a tear running down his face.

"Awe Chase don't cry, I would never let anything, or anyone come between me and my family." I looked dead in his eyes and walked over to my purse and showed them my gun." That's a promise that will never be broken." I said with a stern look and voice.

He looked at me, wiped his eyes and came over to me standing a few feet away from me. He then held out his hand.

"I want to help you do that. Seems like it has happened to your family to. Let me help you to protect our family.....I may be only 12, but I wouldn't underestimate me." He said with a stern voice looking me dead in my eyes. He's just like Ashley, not wanting to be underestimated, or looked down on by anybody.

They're like the same person just different gender.

I smiled at that thought, and shook his hand.

After that they told me what happened and I couldn't do anything but shake my head.

"So, basically the usual happened." I asked R.J.

"What do you mean by the usual?" Noah said confused.

"She fights in her sleep." Chase and I said at the same time.

"How did you know that?"

"She told me about it like the first time she spent the night at my house. That night I stayed up and watched her to see what she ment by 'she fights in her sleep'. Yeah, well that didn't go so well. That was actually the day I had lied to you guys about how I got a black eye." He laughed at that." The next day she didn't want to be near me so when she went to sleep I saw she was having a nightmare, so I wrapped my arms around her and she stopped shaking. But the next morning everyone was in my room hovering over me trying to see if I was okay.....I was so confused until I saw Ashley in the corner of the room crying. She thought I was dead. But we calmed her down and it took me a while to realize that......she calms down in her sleep when I touch her." He looked up with a smile on his face." That was the best child hood memory ever."

I couldn't do anything but laugh at that. But then realized why Ashley started fighting in her sleep. It was because the nightmares of not being able to save her dad.

She always thought it was her fault her father dad, but deep down in all of our hearts....we knew it wasn't.

***two days later***

"Alright you guys come on you need to go if you don't want to be late for school."

I was rushing everyone to get done with their breakfast so they wouldn't miss the bus, or walk. Which ever one they picked today. R.J and M.J have a car they choose when to drive it. Noah and Matt also have a car also, but do the same thing as R.J and Matt. They try to save gas money. Smart idea.

"I'm not going." Ashley said looking at the door.

Kendall and Keyontae ran back in and literally dragged her out the house.

This is everyday.

I sigh at the thought, but also smile, as I watch the kids walk to school.

Ashley's P.O.V

I was being carried to school today cause I didn't want to go and plus they didn't want me to run back home. It has happened before.

After a few seconds of being carried by Keyontae, she gave me to Chase. I some how we not to sleep while being carried on his back.

Chase's P.O.V

I was carrying Ashley, while walking to school, when I had this feeling that something bad was going to happen.

"Does anyone else feel like something bad is supposed to happen today."

"Yep." Keyontse said calm.

"Aren't you a little to calm?"

"Well I kinda try not to worry anyone so I try not show anything is wrong with me."


The rest of the way was quite until we reached a two way stop.

"Alright. Love you guys, don't do anything I wouldn't." R.J and M.J said.

"Yeah, and look after each other." Noah and Matt said.

We all nodded and went our seoerate ways. We walked towards the school and woke up Ashley before we arrived.

***the end of homeroom***

The bell rung and all of us got up and walked out. Jay and Sunny didn't show up for homeroom. Which ment something bad is happening.

As soon as we turned the corner where our second period class was we saw Jay and Sunny having a make-out session.

Jay had Sunny up against the lockers and was kissing her.

Conner cleared his throat and Jay and Sunny looked up quickly at us.

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