He suddenly hears Sarang's voice calling to him...

flashback end—

"It was that long ago?" Yeye asked me as I nodded.

"I didn't understand why that had happened. My power is to heal people and others. Not to destroy and kill them."

"Perhaps something in the wolf serum changed you." Suho hyung suggested.

"No. This isn't the work of some mere chemicals." Yeye had said before a large noise echoed through the shield. Wait, there was a water shield? The two soldiers who stood guard began to panic.

"Suho! There's nothing out there, but what is doing this?!" One of the soldiers asked as Suho hyung began to yell out orders.

"Ok, everyone, in your tents now! Kai, go back to the palace and find some teleporters! We need as many as we can! We need to leave this place as soon as possible!" Suho hyung barked out orders as the people surrounding us scurried into the tents, and Kai gave a nod before disappearing.

"Everyone in the tents! Pack everything that's important and get ready to leave. Stay strong water benders! We need to keep these monsters out."

"Do you know what it is?" A woman asked in fear as she hid behind the tent's flaps.

"I have a vague idea, but... Lay seems to know what they are."

Heads turn towards me, and I began to explain, "It's an invisible monster. It can easily kill us if we're not alert. Only certain people can see them, and these monsters can only die if you split their bodies in half or.... have the 'touch,' like I do."

"How come we've never heard of it before?" Someone asked.

"There's a history of these monsters... but it's hidden by many people. These monsters can only live when they are summoned and created." I explained as the crowd began to stir.

"So that bastard summoned them!"

"Yes, possibly, but only someone with immense power is able to call upon a monster such as this." Yeye spoke as many heads nodded.

"Then how will we protect ourselves if we can't see them?" A woman carrying a small child asked.

"I can." I said as heads turned to me. "I can see the monsters. There's other ways to get the monsters to reveal their whereabouts too. You just need to cover their entire body with anything— paint, feathers, grass, anything."

The vibrating bangs continued once again, and the crowd of people cowered in panic. My friends and I looked at each other as we were afraid that there wasn't much time left.

Exopians can perform their abilities for some time until they grow exhausted...

"The water shield will work for some time, but it won't work for long." Suho spoke quietly as we nodded.

"I hope Kai's found enough people to help us..." Chanyeol added before more echoing 'bangs' rumbled the shield.

The angry pounding of the monsters continued to ring, and Suho hyung and Chanyeol began to yell orders for everyone to hold hands, for we had to be prepared when Kai and the other teleporters came.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2017 ⏰

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