Twenty One // Something More

Start from the beginning

She looked beautiful, she always has. Her brown hair was up in a pony tail and as she turned to look at me, it fell over her shoulder. I stood up from the couch to go over and greet her. As I got closer I saw how her lipstick was smudged and her eyes seemed glazed over. I didn't know whether she was high or just had sex. Neither of those options I liked, so I ignored it.

"How was school?" I asked her before leaning in and kissing her cheek.

"It was fine, boring. I got a ton of homework though, so I'm going to head in and get started." She said. I nodded, figuring that that's how the conversation would go. She'd talk about her day but not ask me how mine was. It's not like mine was that good though.

Hannah walked into the kitchen, dumping her stuff onto the table. I sighed and made sure the door was locked before following her into the kitchen. Hannah was in the process of making a cup of tea. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. She gave me  half smile before moving from my hold. She took the cup of tea and started to walk out of the kitchen.

"Going to do my homework, I'll see you later tonight." She said. I sighed when she left the room. It was like this every day. I tried to love her and be the boyfriend that I thought she wanted, but she would brush it off. She only really touched me when she wanted something, something expensive usually. I really did want to get out of this relationship, I just didn't know how to.

I shook my head, just as a buzzing noise cut through the silent air. I looked up from the floor and saw that Hannah's phone was sitting on the table. Curiosity got the best of me and I walked over to see who was texting my girlfriend. I didn't think that it was that much a big deal, being that she pretty much looked through my phone regularly. I didn't necessarily like it but I felt like it was something that normal couples do. Liam says it's not, he says that there has to be trust in a relationship.

I didn't know exactly what to expect when I looked at her phone, but a message from someone called 'Jack' was not it. As far as I knew, she doesn't have a friend named Jack. Thankfully I could see half the message that was displayed across the phone.

Jack: hey baby, thanks for our dat-

That was where message cut off but it's not rocket science to know what he was talking about. She was cheating on me, it was obvious. I let out a sigh and sat down in the chair. I wanted out in this relationship, but I wasn't expecting this to be the way we ended things. I can't believe that she's cheating on me. How could I have not known? You'd think with all the paparazzi that follow her around sometimes...

I stood from the table and put her phone back where I had found it. I knew I would have to breakup with her, might as well do it know. I left the kitchen and started down the hallway. I pushed open our bedroom door, looking around the room. Hannah was sitting on the bed, books scattered around her. I shook my head at the sight of her and started to walk over towards the closet. I grabbed my bag and tossed it towards the bed, then starting to pull out my clothes.

"Niall? What are you doing?" Hannah asked.

"How long have you been seeing Jack behind my back?" I asked, turning around to look at her. Her mouth dropped open before she shook her head and sat up.

"What are you talking about?" She asked.

"Hannah, just tell me the truth." I said, putting my clothes into the bag.

"... I'm sorry. We just weren't there in the relationship, like I had always wanted it to be. Jack was there when I needed him." She said.

"How long?" I asked.

She sighed, closing her text book. "About April." She finally answered.

"Four months? Why didn't you just tell me that you weren't happy? Why did you waste four months of my life?" I asked.

"I do-"                    

"You were just in it for the stuff, weren't you?" I cut her off. "For the fame that came with being my girlfriend? Or the things I would buy you? I should've seen this coming." I said, the last part to myself. I zipped up the bag and grabbed a few more things before getting ready to leave.

"Wait, are we... do you want to breakup?" Hannah asked.

I shook my head and left the room. She's got to be insane if she thinks that I'm going to stay with her after this. As I was leaving the flat with my keys in hand, I grabbed my phone and called up Zayn. We weren't on the phone for that long, I had just told him of what happened and asked if I could stay with him for a little while. He agreed, like I knew he would. What else were brothers for? 


Okay, there's the chapter. I hope you liked it. I feel so bad for Niall :(

Please VOTE and COMMENT my lil' Gummy Worms!!

~ Amanda xx

—Gif on the side is of Niall in 2012, which is obviously what he looks like in this book and he's just so cute

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