I rolled my eyes at his phrase. Being a hermit is the only thing I could do at the time! I wanted to yell in his ear, but I bit my tongue. I knew my hormones was making my emotions seem ten times extreme, but I can't help that I cry when the adopt a dog commercial comes on. "Well what am I going to wear, since we're going on a walk."

Dylan smirks as he leaned down to the very last draw that was apparently filled with clothes. He soon tossed a pair of old sweatpants and loose gray shirt next to me on the bed, then he went to the second drawer to toss a pair on boxers next to me as well.

"What, no bandages to strap my breast down?" I tilted my head to the side in a teasing way. "If you wanted a boyfriend so badly, why didn't you say so." I shrugged my shoulders before grabbing the clothes and walking towards the bathroom. "I'm screwing with you, you can stop thinking about killing me now," I closed the bathroom door behind me.


"Did I ever tell you that I dislike nature?" I stepped over a few rocks, docked under many branches and wiped away many bees and mosquitoes. While Dylan and Mr. Marburg walked through the path like its nothing.

Mr. Marburg chuckled while shaking his head from my struggles. He held his walking stick in one hand and my arm in the other, to keep me from tripping over the sneaky roots. "It's both that bad, smell that nature air." He took a huge whiff of the air and exhaled loudly.

I did the same, to see if it'll calm my nerves- but a net flew up my nose. I cringed in disgust as I wiped my nose repeatedly, until my nose stop tingling. "It's so bad. I love the city better." I admit.

"The city is full of pollution," Dylan stuffed a hand in his sweat pants while the other held onto the water bottle, as he slowed down his pace to stand on my other side.

"The whole world is pollution, if you have not noticed." I huffed in frustration when I walked into another sworn of nets. "I want to go back," I complained. The sunlight peaking through the small spaces in the leaves didn't make any difference as the sun directly beating down on you. The sweatpants was sticking to my ass, the shirt felt heavy on me, sweat was everywhere- and when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere- and the baby was disagreeing with the heat as well.

My pace slowed to a stroll, making me fall behind the two most athletic men I've ever met. Even at a ill state, Mr. Marburg can still speed walk a mile. Dylan noticed my presence was not beside him and immediately turned around. "You can go ahead Pops, we'll meet you there."

Mr. Marburg nod towards Dylan and looked at me with concern. "Don't push yourself too hard TJ," he said before walking forward.

Dylan walked towards me with a frown on his face. "You alright? Do you need any water?" He offered the bottle to me.

Drinking the water was immediately refreshed my body. After drinking half of the bottle, I sealed the cap tight and gave it back to him. "Sorry for drinking mostly the whole thing."

Dylan shrugged his shoulders. "It's fine, as long as you good I'm good. I can always get a drink when I get back."

"Are you sure? I don't want you passing out on me and I would have to carry you back. I'm strong, but I'm not strong enough to carry five tons." I joked, earning a laugh from him. I wrapped my arm around his waist as we started to walk once again.

He laughed and said, "I do not weigh five tons, more like three."

"Wow, like that makes it any better on my part. How long do we have before we get where we're going?"

His pace slowed down, making mine slow down as well. "We're here."

I gasp from the beautiful scenery in front of me. Another amazing site I should add to my list. It was a tall cliff- not tall but it was high enough where someone can get easily injured- with a small stream flowing down into a small pond, trees surrounded us while fallen leaves occupied the ground we stood on. The birds chirping and the water hitting the walks was like music to my ears; the sound instantly calmed me down and made me wanna unwind.

 The birds chirping and the water hitting the walks was like music to my ears; the sound instantly calmed me down and made me wanna unwind

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Mr. Marburg stood in front of the pond, admiring everything around him. "Beautiful," I heard him mumble under his breath. "I took your mother here once," he started to say as he took a seat on the dry ground. "We was twenty, a month before we conceived you-"

"Can I kinda stop you right there?" Dylan interrupted. With a sigh, Dylan sat next to his father while I ease down to sit in between his legs. "While you tell your story, can you kinda leave out the part when you conceived me please, I just don't want to know the time and the date of when- never mind continue."

Mr. Marburg sighed then shook his head. "Like I was saying, I brought your mother here and asked her to marry me. At first she said no, out of shock-" a small chuckle passed through his lips as he look back on the past. "Then she said yes. Then of course his knucklehead ass came to this earth ten months later."

I snickered, but immediately covered it up when I saw Dylan slant his eyes at his father then me for laughing. "That's a good memory to have," I said. "I guess nature is not that bad."

"Told you," Mr. Marburg nudged my leg as he gave me a huge smile; showing his good looks that he still has.

After relaxing, we walked back to the house before the day can exchange with night. All three of us ate homemade pizza I whipped up and said our good nights- since we was extremely tired after our long walk. The walk really cleared my head- a little- I'm still thinking about the two women that raised me. Robert is stalking the house right now and we can't do anything about it because the police hates me.

"What are you thinking about?" Dylan kicked me out of my thoughts as he crawled under the covers next to me.

I turned down the volume of the tv before turning my body towards him. His shirtless chest caught my eye first, under the different colors from the television; his tattoos popped out. My eyes trails up to his sexy face that makes women drop their panties. He looked delicious- like Chocolate..

"Nothing, just relaxing." I couldn't see his face clearly, but I knew he was staring at me. From the way his hand suddenly rested on my belly.

"Any baby names?"

"Yeah, if a girl; Justice and if boy; Jayden. I may need to get a book for more ideas." I yawned out before scooting closer to his chest. My eyes slowly drifted close once I've gotten comfortable in his warmth.

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