Chapter Fourteen: Heart Attacks (Part 2)

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Saturday, 11:00 am..
The next day was Saturday so none of us needed to worry about waking up for school and instead me, Tony, Hazel, and Irine all decided to go to the hospital.

When we got there we asked the doctor if Dash was awake and she said yes but only 2 people could go in at a time to see him.

We let Tony and Hazel go first since they were his family.
That left me and Irine waiting.

"Hey." She said softly.
I kept silent.

"I'm sorry about yesterday." She said.
I still didn't respond and looked away in frustration.

"June look I'm sorry. What's so big about it!"

Nothing. Just that you gave me a heart attack.. Oh and don't forget the fact you wouldn't explain what happened to me at all.

I wanted to say that but I also wasn't in the mood to start a fight right now. I had enough to worry about.

"You know what fine." She turned around and huffed.

I just ignored her after that, thinking what would happen when I went in there.
10 minutes later both of them came out looking pretty happy and somewhat relieved.
I was going to go in but I wanted to talk to him alone and I really didn't want to start another fight with Irine.
I motioned for her to go in.

After about another 10 minutes she came out and motioned for me to go in.
I sighed heavily.

Here we go..

Hey guys!
Sorry it was short like really short but there's not to come hopefully within the next 2 weeks.
Also want to thank you for 800 views!
and more votes for you guys.
Have a good night ;)

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