Angel Pains (Werewolf)

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The cries in the distant ripped through my entire body. I shuddered as I felt member after member of my pack die. The last moments of their lives, the last thing they saw, the last thing they felt, all pushing their way into my brain. Swiping my head to the side I met eyes with my beta, Ryker. His chestnut brown fur was still dripping blood from the fight he managed to escape from. Across his chest and sides deep bleeding claw marks lay. His light green eyes shown pain. A lone tear streaked down his face, causing him to whimper. His gaze turned into one of fear as he took my appearance in.

My left hind leg was so badly injured, even my Alpha healing hasn't helped it. I couldn't even stand in it without crying out in pain. My head throbbed as I felt the blood from the wound slide down my neck, only to rest on my shoulder. My once blue silver pelt was now matching my red streaks. My beta began to whimper more and more as he struggled to ignore the pain. The battle was getting harder and harder to keep up with. We were losing more wolves then we could spare. Families were dying. Mates won't becoming home to their children tonight. My eyes began to droop as I felt unconsciousness trying to sink in. If my pack wasn't in danger, then I probably would of let it already. Because I knew, once I died, they'd be alone and lost.

'We need help and soon. We aren't going to be able to keep this on much longer' My beta used our mind link to speak to me. I nodded my head only to shudder as I felt another one of my pack die. Getting up I turned to Ryker only to meet eyes with The leader of the many packs and rogues we were fighting with. My hackles rose as I saw my beta laying in a bloody heap at his feet. Their leader, Blake glared at me, a smug resting on his lips. His deep black fur hid all blood on him. The only reason I knew he was hurt was because of the pain in his eyes he was trying so hard to hide.

My eyes closed for a second before slowly reopening only to be met with gray walls and white ceiling. Glancing around my eyes look down at the bloody sheets on the floor. My head was bleeding again, but nowhere near as bad as before. With a sigh, I began to sit up only to be pushed back down onto my back by the pack doctor, Darren. His brows furrowed as he looked at me. His blond hair hung low into his face as his blue eyes observed over my head and body.

"Where's." I began to try and speak only to stop as the pain was to much. He turned his back to me and grabbed a small paper cup of water and placing it onto my dried lips. I nodded at him in thanks as I tried to speak again. "Where's my beta?" My voice came out in barely a whisper, as Darren's eyes darkened with pain.

"I'm sorry. So sorry Alpha" Darren answered me tears falling out of his eyes landing gently onto my chest. My eyes began to gently water as I felt the first tear run down my face. I suddenly began to feel dizzy as the pain of what Darren was telling me sunk in. My body shook as the sobs of pain I was feeling we're released. Letting out a whimper I covered my eyes with my hands, only to notice I was wiping blood onto my arm. Darren stared at me in concern as I drifted back into unconsciousness.

Ryker stood tall as he observed the pack surrounding us. The wind was gentle enough so it didn't blow the leaves but strong enough to keep the eighty degree heat less humid. One of my guards stepped towards me, his eyes bloodshot as blood pooled onto the wood of the stage. With a growl I felt heat fill me as my vision enriched. Taking a step onto my knees I felt my wolf form take over me. Ryker nodded at me before doing the same, neither of us taking our clothes off causing them to lay in shattered heaps at our feet. The guard's knees buckled as he fell to the ground his eyes rolling backk into his head. Several loud howls filled the clearing causing whimpers to erupt through my pack.

The first hundred wolves poured out of the forest running straight towards my pack. Cries rang through my ears as many of our guards ran towards the enemy buying us time to get the woman and children to the houses. Several of the men in my pack shifted taking stance protecting what's ours. Woman cried out as many of the guards fell to the ground dead. Leaping off the stage I ran towards the wolves, in an attempt to save my pack. One of my guards, Maddy glanced at me standing next to her before turning back to the gray wolf she was fighting. More wolves came charging out of the woods, others shooting at us from on top of the houses. Cries broke out as gunshots filled the air. The scent of blood reached my nose as I saw my pack mates fall. Children were pushed into thehouses by fragile mothers trying to shield them from the rain of bullets raining down on us.

With a yelp I pulled back as more claws dug down my flank. My beta ran to my side as I took the wolf down with a simple bite to the throat. Ryker was taking down more wolves then I was. At least six lay dead at his feet, while only one at mine. He nodded, his green eyes showing confusion and then pain as a black as night wolf.sank his teeth into his front paw. With a quick lung I took the wolf down glancing at my beta as he stood panting while blood dripped down his leg onto the ground. With a quick sweep of my eyes I watched as more of my pack fell leaving more of the enemy.

Authors Notes :)

So I'm trying a new type of story, werewolf! please comment, vote and fan as I'll update every Saturday starting September. But as for August, I'll try every other day. It was necessary for me to start this story with the fight. It shows how the pack faces the loss to an enemy they didn't know they had. The story will go into the past when the battle never began. Surprises and striking characters will come and go throughout the story. I hope you'll take the time to read the story and bare with me. I'm trying to become an author and I'm trying to get discovered. Thanks :) And fyi, the Alpha is female

(Also, the image for this book is from Google images. I really liked it and I though it would fit this book really good. )

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