Chapter 25: Her

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"Well I don't want her blood on my minds. And maybe she'll make it. Maybe she'll get some food or get a sponsor gift." 

"We don't want her to make it. We're taking care of each other, not her," Titus said.

"Guys!" I yelled. "Stop. Gale doesn't want to kill her! Sure, maybe it's not the smartest move for our game, but at least he's trying to keep his humanity. I understand. Let's just wake her up and ask her to leave. I'm sure she won't give us any trouble."

Nobody argued with me. I stood up and walked over to the girl. I gently put my hand on her side. Instantly, the girl flinched away. Strange that all of the yelling didn't wake her up, but a small touch did.

Instantly, the girl scooted as far away from me as she could. She pressed her back up against the wall and stared at me with small, scared eyes. 

"Hey, don't worry. We're not going to hurt you," I soothed.

"I... I thought that you were guys deserted the tree house. I'm sorry," She replied.

"Hey, don't worry about it," Gale said, climbing into the tree house. "We took our sweet time getting back."

The girl cracked a small smile. 

Gale placed his hand on her leg. This time, the girl didn't flinch. "I convinced everybody else not to kill you."

"That was nice of you," She replied.

Gale smiled. "Unfortunately, we still need you to leave." The smile fell from his face.

"Oh, yeah! Sorry," The girl stood up and started to leave. Tetrick, Talon and Titus stepped out of her way to let her through. Just before she left, she turned around. "Thank you for not killing me."

Gale smiled. "No problem."

The girl smiled one last time before climbing down the ladder. Then she ran off, disappearing between the trees.

"That was a bad idea," Titus muttered under his breath. 

"She won't hurt us," Gale said with lots of certainty. "She wouldn't do that."

"You don't even know her," Tetrick replied.

Gale looked at him. "Actually, I feel like I do." 

At that moment, I realized how exhausted Talon looked. He was leaning against the wall of the tree house, his head tilted back and his eyes closed. From here, I could see the sweat that glistened off his forehead. Clearly, the walking has been taking it's toll.

I walked over to Talon and grabbed his hand, helping him down to the floor. I put a pillow beneath his head and a blanket over him. Within moments, he was snoring softly.

"Don't look so worried, Willow," Titus said. "He'll be fine."

"He won't let me look at the wound," I replied. "He's hiding it from me."

"The wound is fine," Tetrick said. "I saw it this morning. It's healing well."

"Then why won't he just let me take a look?"

"Because you're Willow Undersee. It doesn't matter how well the wound is healing because all you're going to see is the fact that there's a hole in his leg. You'll get worked up over nothing."

I frowned. "Am I really like that?"

"You're caring. You're concern for us is understandable. It also can be unnecessary," Titus said.

"Well sorry for loving you guys," I muttered, taking a sip of water.

Titus laughed. "Don't apologize for that. We appreciate that you care for us." He kissed me on the forehead. "Love you too, Willow."

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