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The tension during breakfast was so thick it could probably be cut with a knife as if it was butter. My eyes, along with those of Mike and Papa, looked between Kellin and Mother like it was a tennis match. The two were gazing at each other intently, both unhappy. Kellin was furious about what she did to me, and she was glaring at him to simply scare him. But he obviously was not giving in.

I still did not get the opportunity to apologise for what I had said the other day. I knew that it was not very bad but, to me, it felt like it.

Mike's new 'friend' accompanied us today. I noticed him hanging around the house previously, but never got the chance to properly introduce myself. I barely knew his name, but I recalled Mike calling him 'Tony' at one point. However now was not the time to get to know him; there was no point anyway. He just stared down at his lap timidly and did not talk or eat, or even look up at anyone.

"So, uh, Kellin," my father cleared his throat loudly, attempting to erase the awkwardness but, if anything, he was making it worse. However, he did manage to draw everyone's attention to himself and end the staring contest. "Did you sleep well?"

"No," came Kellin's sharp answer, as he gave a glance in my direction. I knew that he did not mean to give me such a hard look, but he was still mad at my mother.

"Oh," Papa frowned. "Why not?"

"There were too many things on my mind," Kellin hissed, this time scowling in the only female's direction. My grip on my fork tightened, making my hand hurt, leaving me to uncomfortably grasp it with the tips of my fingers.

I decided that I had seen enough for one morning so, leaving my plate of food barely touched, I dropped my cutlery and quietly excused myself, rushing up the stairs until I reached my room. Why did things have to be so complicated? At this rate, Kellin would want to leave before October 31st and, if he did, that would not be good at all.

I heard footsteps follow up behind me and, before I could close my door, I was met with the wonderous sight of Kellin. He stormed past me, walking into my room and throwing himself onto the bed.

"Ugh, I hate her so much!" He groaned into a pillow, making me discreetly roll my eyes. But then I remembered something I had to do.

"I'm sorry for what I said yesterday," I apologised sincerely, sitting down on the bed next to Kellin, after locking the door behind me. Good thing I had changed up my room and kept it locked during breakfast - not that anyone came up here anyway.

Deciding to be a bit more forward this time, I slowly slid in place next to Kellin and laid my head on the pillow next to his, staring directly to my right, where he was situated. He stared back too, apparently as unwilling as I was to break the eye contact.

"It's not a big deal; I should be the one apologising anyway," he chuckled quietly, a small smile playing on his soft lips.

Nothing else was said for a long time. We simply lay in silence, enjoying each other's presence and waiting for something - anything. I usually hated silence but, when I was with Kellin, it did not bother me anymore. For some reason, it felt like even silence could not scare me with him around. However it all started to become a bit too much and my paranoia was starting to sink in, so I bluntly broke the deathly silence with my words.

"Do you want to hang out by the river again?" I asked casually. I noticed that I had been picking up a few traits from Kellin, like his laid-back speech or how he tucked his long hair behind his ear a lot.

The older man's eyes instantly widened, "We can't!" He nearly bellowed. "Don't you remember what happened last time?" He motioned to my hands, which were calmly resting by my sides, still bandaged up.

The American Nightmare [BoyXBoy]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang