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My eyes snapped open upon hearing my annoying alarm go off and I was automatically alert. Speedily I rushed to turn it off before anyone else heard as, if they did, that would be a calamity.

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I circled around my room and put everything in the correct location, where the items usually belonged and were approved of. Next, I unlocked my bedroom door and swiftly slipped back into bed, giving the illusion of being asleep. And, just like she had done for my entire life, Mother appeared five minutes later in order to wake me up. She hated it when I overslept although there was nothing to wake up for - to her anyway. To me, there was.

Like every Sunday, I was asked go into town to pick up some things which Papa did not have time for yesterday (or simply forgot). First we all had to have breakfast and I was elated to see that it was normal food and not one of Mother's special dishes. Everyone ate in silence, like usual, and I could feel that Kellin, who sat opposite me, felt awkward about it.

When everyone was done, I questioned whether he wanted to join me in going to town. I sincerely hoped that he would agree, because I wanted him as far away from my family as possible, and luckily he did.

"What is up with them?" Kellin spoke up, as we took our seats in the car. I did not have a driving license, but there was no way anyone could catch me. The small vicinity of our town was practically off the maps and I was pretty sure that not many people even knew of its existence. So there would be no police here.

"They just don't like noise," I answered nonchalantly and turned the keys in the ignition. The car started up and I began to drive towards the gate which separated our house from the outside world.

"Do you like noise?" Kellin questioned.

"Yes," I replied instantly. Over the years, loud noises had become calming to me and silence was worse than anything imaginable. If something was making a noise, at least I knew it was still alive.

Without second thought, Kellin took hold of the cable which was connected to the car's old radio and plugged the other end into his phone. I glanced at him to see his fingers typing away, before loud, acoustic music started to play through the car.

I instantly froze. What if they found out? No, they wouldn't; that was impossible. But what if they did? I would be no better than anyone else. I had to silently tell myself to relax before I would have some sort of panic attack.

We reached the rusty gate and I had to exit the car to open it up with the key. When I re-entered the vehicle, I finally actually listened to the music which was blasting through the speakers. I found myself enjoying it a lot.

"What's this song called?" I questioned. It sounded very relaxing.

"The Forgotten by Green Day," Kellin replied, leaning back in his seat with a smug smirk, before turning to me, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement. "Do you like it?"

"Yes, it's great." I nodded and smiled lightly remembering to keep my gaze on the road and not give the other man too much of my attention.

"What music do you usually listen to?" He started up a conversation.

"Um..." I hesitated, biting my lip nervously. "I don't really listen to music."

I twisted my head around upon hearing a large gasp come out of the mouth of the man beside me. His hand was on his chest, where his heart would be, and an almost offended expression crossed his delicate face. "What? Why?"

"I'm not allowed to," I shrugged having to bite down on my lip to conceal the smile which was forming at his reaction. "Like I said before, my parents don't like noise. It distracts them."

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