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"Holy carp are you just like worst!" Eri-whatever-the-fuck yelled at Phillip for... Idk. Breathing the wrong way? Looking at him funny? (Haha blind joke good job me)
"At least I'm not ugly!" Phillip loudly exclaimed back.
He loudly exclaimed it.
That's how you know it's getting really really real.
This bitch fucking exclaimed. The fuck does that even mean? It such a weird sounding word. For real. Say it. Out loud. (-Eddy Cullen)
E to the xclaimed.
That's how fucking weird that shit is.
Anyway. So yknow what Eridafuq did? Just guess. Guess what this fishy bastard did.
Jaw jacked him.
He just all up and punched Philip right in the face. He's already blind like damn. Karkat threw the poor guy down some stairs. Be civil. Have some decency. Don't just jaw jack him. And if you do, tell him first so he can defend himself.
And then he spit on him.
And maybe pissed on him a little for good measure.
And mother fuckin then he said "Love is blind, Philip. Love is so blind it cannot even see you."
And then he put on his cool ass shades that fell from the sky and walked out with flames and explosions going off behind him.

The end.


Dave Strider Writes Some Fanfiction About His FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now