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After the game was won and everyone got to come back to life (this probably won't really happen but it'd be way better if it did), Tavros and Jade were left significant other-less. Jade still wasn't really over the whole "I-killed-your-grandpa-in-an-attempt-to-save-you" thing, but she was chill enough with the guy to at least go talk and be friends.
Tavros wasn't really over the whole, "I've-been-fucked-over-so-many-times-by-the-one-girl-I-love" thing either, so he was pretty pumped to have somebody to chill with. So they found a little garden place to sit and talk about stuff. And then at one point Tavros was like, "So uh,,, do you remember the whole me telling you I liked you thing?" And Jade nodded all politely and let him continue. "Well I um,,, I still kind of have those feelings,,,"
Then Jade smiled her goofy little buck toothed grin and kissed his cheek and was like, "Maybe we can work on that."

And then they lived all happily ever after and whatever.

The end.


Dave Strider Writes Some Fanfiction About His FriendsWhere stories live. Discover now