09-And Then There Were Disney Characters Part 1

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Note: This will be a VERY long chapter. Please enjoy!

"So, how can I..." Is what a man with blonde hair spoke once me and Sora entered a small brick building called the 'Accessory Shop'. The curious Sora was busy looking at the many items the shop contained, while I was trying to receive info from the blonde man with the white shirt.

"Aw, it's only some kids." The man sighed.

"Not a kid, and my name's (Y/n)."

"Oh, and who's your boyfriend over there?"

"He's not my boyfriend. We're just traveling together." I explained quickly, just so there was no misunderstandings.

"Alright, alright. So you kids lost or what?"

"Yeah, pretty much."

"So gramps, this Traverse Town, is it really another world?" Sora questioned.

"Don't call me gramps! The name's Cid! Anyway....Not sure what you're talkin' about, but this ain't your island."

"We didn't mention anything about an island..." I trailed off. Who was this guy?

"Hmm...I guess we'd better start looking for Riku and Kairi." I nodded.

"Well good luck with whatever it is you're doing."

"Thanks." I gazed at the man with perplexed eyes as me and Sora exited the shop.

"Well, that was no help."

"Yeah, and we never mentioned we were coming from an island. How did he know that?" I thought.

That was when me and Sora began walking around Traverse Town, the shining lights guiding us all around this peculiar place. Me and the brown haired protagonist took turns discussing the wear about of Traverse Town with random strangers. However, they all said the same thing.

"Other worlds? Never heard of those before."

District 2 was behind some wooden doors, so we thought we'd might as well go there.

A man with a scared look fell right in front of Sora and I. His chest glowed, reminding me of the giant heartless we faced before. His heart came right out of him, and flew away.


"Hey, wake up!" I held the man in my arms, hoping to awake him. The atmosphere didn't feel right.

The man vanished, and guess what appeared in his place.

"It's those creatures from the island!" Sora shouted. Our keyblades appeared in our hands, and we both knew what time it was.

"It's bashin' time!!!" I declared. Sora hit his forehead with his hand. "We've gotta get you a new catch phrase...."

Back to back, me and Sora took out one of the heartless, but more came behind it!

"These heartless don't know when to give up!" I yelled. Left and right they came at me, but with the keyblade, I had the ability to keep my strength up.
    The last heartless was defeated, and I whipped the sweat off my forehead. Sora was on the ground, attempting to catch his breath.
    "You ok?" I asked Sora, taking his hand and helping him up from the cold hard floor.

"Where are they all coming from?"

Kingdom Hearts-Book 1-HeartlessOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz