07- The Keyblade

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        Disney castle was absolutely silent. The news of the king's letter had spread to everyone in the castle.

     The letter read, "Donald, sorry to rush off without sayin' goodbye,, but there's big trouble brewin'. Not sure why, but the stars have been blinkin' out, one by one. And that means disaster can't be far behind. I hate to leave you all but I've gotta go check into it."

     "There's someone with a "key" the key to our survival. There's also a girl, who has found herself in our universe of worlds. Find them both, Donald and Goofy. Please stick with them, got it? We need that key or we're doomed! So go to Traverse Town and find Leon. He'll point you in the right direction."

      A few more words were written at the bottom of the letter King Mickey Mouse wrote. "P.S. Would ya apologize to Minnie for me? Thanks pal."

         "Oh dear! What could this mean?" Daisy questioned, straightening her purple dress."

     "It means we'll just have to trust the king." Queen Minnie said. She didn't seem too worried about the situation at hand.

     Goofy sighed, "Gawrsh, I sure hope he's all right."

     Donald suddenly took charge to calm the worries of the four people in the room."Your highness. Don't worry. We'll find the King, the girl and this "key"."

            "Thank you, both of you."

       "Oh!" Minney had remembered something. "And to chronicle your travels, he will accompany you."

     A small cricket creature was jumping up and down, getting Goofy and Donald's attention. "Over here!" He called. "Cricket's the name. Jiminy Cricket, at your service!"

    The Duck and Goofy got acquainted with the person who'd be traveling with them and headed off to Traverse Town in the 'Gummy ship'. They spoke of how they couldn't let on that they were from a mother world, because they had to protect the world order. However, who was this girl and who was this "key" the king spoke of?
Sora stared up at his ceiling late at night as he lay in bed. His legs were crossed. A storm had began outside, and the brown haired fellow was worried about the raft. The young adventurous boy sneaked out of his own home, as his mom tried to call him down for dinner.
"(Y/n)!" A loud voice with an anxious tone awoke me from my sleep. I blinked a few times to fully make sure I wasn't asleep, then I heard the narrator's voice again.
"This isn't the time to be sleeping! Sora's out by the ocean! Follow him!" I didn't hesitate. I jumped out of bed, slipped on my BIG shoes and ran out of my woods house. I spotted Sora in the distance standing the docks, so I ran up to him.
"Sora!" I called. He was surprised to see me, as he turned around to see who the voice belonged to.
"(Y/n)?! What are you doing here?! It's not safe!"
I tilted my head. "Then, why are you out here?"
"Uhh, well..." Sora trailed off while scratching his spikey brown hair.
At that moment, black crawling things with glowing eyes were coming out of the sand around the two of us. I recognized those things anywhere!
"What?!" Sora yelled over the noise of the storm. The heartless were coming towards us.
"Tell you later!" Sora held up his wooden sword to one of them, but just like what they did to me before, they weren't afraid.
"Umm, Sora. What's a wooden sword gonna do, exactly?" I asked him.
He laughed nervously. "I-it'll help us......RRRUUUUNNNNN!!!"
Sora swung the wooden brown sword in front of him to clear a path for us to get between the heartless. He was holding my hand as we fled from that area and into an empty shelter.
We both say on the ground, calming down our beating hearts and I noticed Sora was blushing again. He was looking down at our intertwined hands with absolute embarrassment. Oh, so is this the love triangle the narrator was talking about?
"Uhh, Sora." I said, a little embarrassed myself.
"You can let go of my hand now." I told him, and he let go of my hand. Slowly, but surely.
"S-sorry." Sofa apologized. I shook my head like it was no big deal.
"Is this what Riku was talking about?" Sora thought to himself, his blush getting darker. Why did he act like this only around (Y/n)? Could it be that.....
"Sora, what's going on out there?" I inquired. The narrator specifically informed me Sora would be the one to move the storyline along. Did he know what all this was?
"Well, I saw a large ball of dark energy. That's all I know. "
"Take me to it." I demanded, getting back up on my feet.
"But, that means we'll have to go back outside..."
"I believe in you."
"Wait...WHAT?!" Sora was shocked.
"I believe you'll keep us both safe...."


Sora and I climbed up some stairs to get to the stop where the four of us had sat on that bent over tree. That's not the only thing I saw though. Riku was standing with his back towards us looking into the sky, like nothing was wrong.
"Riku!" I called out to him, but he did nothing in response.
"Where's Kairi? I thought she was with you!"
"The door has opened..." Riku said.
"Great, now he sounds like the narrator.." I thought to myself.
"The door has opened, Sora! Now we can go to the outside world!"
"What are you talking about? We've gotta find Kairi!"
"Come with us Riku! We have to get out of here!" I screamed. The storm was getting wilder and wilder by the second!
"Kairi's coming with us!"
Instantly, the giant ball of dark energy Sora saw was above Riku. He spoke about stepping through and never seeing our parents again. And I thought the raft idea was crazy. This idea just doesn't make any sense!
"I'm not afraid of the darkness!"
"Riku! Have you lost your mind?! Get out of there!"
"I don't have a choice, (Y/n)!" The white haired Riku yelled back at me. He wouldn't listen. Riku was holding his hand out to Sora as he started to disappear. Sora and I was trying to take Riku's hand and pull him out of there, but it was too late. A light sparkled somewhere in the distance, and me and Sora received a weird looking item. It resembled a key.
"The keyblade." The narrator spoke in his deep voice. Me and Sora both said, "huh" at the same time. Did that mean Sora could hear him too?
"Sora, you heard that?" I asked him, and he nodded.
Heartless had surrounded us in that small cramped area.
"Sora. We have to fight them."
"Trust me." I told him, and he smiled, his clean white teeth showing. He had a nice smile. I don't know what relationship we've built up over the time I've been here, but I could tell some how that he honestly trusted me.
Me and Sora, stood back to back as the heartless came forth. Each one was attempting to take away our strength. This fight was easier though. Why? Because I had Sora.
Our keyblades swooshed through the cold air as we hit all the heartless on the head. I locked on the many heartless craetures that came after us. I protected Sora, and Sora protected me. All the heartless disappeared and dropped those green spheres on the floor again. They were all gone. I breathed in and out from all the fighting me and Sora did.
"So......what do we do now?"
I fell into the sand once again, even though i wasn't too sure either. I gazed downwards at my keyblade and the answer was pretty obvious.

"The secret place."

Kingdom Hearts-Book 1-HeartlessWhere stories live. Discover now