02-The Narrator and Me

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"So much to do and so little time..."

I woke up, shaking my head from all the pain I had experienced when I had fallen asleep. Maybe my head hit something.

No one or thing was seen in front of behind me, but the voice kept speaking and I kept listening.

"Take your time...Don't be afraid."

"Love to mysterious voice, but I have to be home by dinner, so if we could hurry this up, that would be great! On another note, WHERE THE HECK AM I?!"

The deep mysterious voice ignored my comment and blabbed on.

"The door is still shut."

"That's cool.." I said sarcastically. Hoping if I played along, he'd let me go. I was still convinced this was a dream.

"Now step forward...can you do it."

"Umm, sure..." I put one foot in front of the other and noticed what i was walking on. From the looks of it, it was the same portrait of Snow White the brown haired character was on in the first cutscene.

"Anything else?"

Then, out of nowhere, three white table like things rose from the ground. Each one held a weapon. One had a sword, one had a shield and one had a magic wand.

"Power sleeps within you. If you give it form....it will give you strength."

"I call the sword!" I declared.

"Choose well.."

"I call the sword!"

"Look, if you want the sword so much go and get it!" The voice coming from nowhere in particular told me, losing his composure.
"But remember..." He went back to sounding deep and mysterious again.

"(Y/n) obtained the sword!" It read at the bottom of the screen.

"And, she got it anyway...." The voice face palmed.

"Your path is set." The voice told me, as the sword disappeared from my hands. It was dark blue and yellow, with a Mickey Mouse face on it! The blade was nice too! Where'd my sword go?

"Now, what will you give up in exchange?"

"Do you take money by any chance?"


I sighed, "jeez, it was just a question."

"Give up your magic or your protection. You choose."

I trudged over to the shield with a sad look on my face. I didn't want to see it go.

"Good bye old friend..." I said, black lines appeared above and below my face to make the scene more dramatic.

"You've...only know it for 3 minutes. So, can we hurry this up?"

"Right!" I jumped high on the table holding the red and black Mickey Mouse shield.
Suddenly, the white table fell from under me, and sunk back into the ground. It left no evidence behind. The shield and magic wand had gone away. Rumbling sounded under my feet, and the floor began to dangerously shake. The glass floor was shattering, and before I could say anything, the floor was gone and I was falling once again.
When my eyes opened and my vision was clear, I spotted another glass portrait of Cinderella from....well, you know Cinderella. Her dress was blue and the background was a mix of dark blues and purples. Strange thing was, she had brown hair in the portrait. I bet Cinderella wants her money back.
"Mysterious voice! The next time you want to take me sky diving, TELL ME we're going sky diving."

The male voice had grown silent for a few moments.

"You've gained the power to fight."

When he told me that, the sword I had selected earlier materializing in the plan of my hand. My eyes gleamed with wonderment, as the dream increasingly got better and better. They should make my dream a video game!

"Press 'x' to attack."

I was confused on what they meant by 'x'. This was a dream I was having right? Also, what do they want me to attack exactly? The air?
I swung my sword in front of me, causing the air to make a 'swoosh' sound. The narrator's voice turned back on almost on cue.

"All right! You've got it." His gave me the impression he was proud of me.

"Use this power to protect yourself and others."

"Others, but there's no one else here right?"

A black creature grew from out of the floor. Its glowing eyes and wavy black antennae frightened me a little.

"W-what is that thing?!"

"There will be times you have to fight."

"Mysterious voice guy! A little help here!"

Another began coming from inside the floor as well, the two creatures looked identical to one another.

"Keep your light burning strong."

"S-stay away from me!" Pointed my sword at one of them, but they weren't afraid. What was I to do?!

One jumped on top of me, while the others weren't to far behind. I didn't wanna wake up yet. I was having so much fun!

"G-get off me!" I yelled, swinging my sword in the air and hitting the black creature with it. Green sparkles came out of it, and the body had gone poof! The others I hadn't defeated yet, were still crawling up to me with their arched backs.
"Alright! I think I got it!" Jumping in the ring, I used the sword to whack each of the monsters on the head. When I did that, each one dropped small green sparkles. What were they and why would they attack me like that? We're they evil? Before taking out the last one, I ran around the floor picking up the green orbs the monsters had dropped. They somehow made me stronger. I jumped epically into the sky and fell straight on the evil thing.

"Heartless." The narrator informed. So, that's what their called.

I stood directly on the heartless's head and tapped him on the back with my Mickey Mouse sword. That was the last of them.....for now..

"Behind you!"

I turned around and another of those heartless has snuck up behind me. Its claws went into my back, and it hurt!

Wait, so this wasn't a dream?

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