14.Emotional Tether

Start from the beginning

Man, how can we get to be nice to each other, getting to a fight, then apologizing and now bonding. Weird relationship but that's how life works with different turns around and ending up with unexpecting findings. "Stiles, isn't he a cutie? I mean he's hot and all but he has a great heart full of love, kindness and honesty." Malia says and my smiles fades,"Don't forget about sarcasm. He's super sarcastic when you get to know him more." I say and she giggles.

"Lydia, can I ask you a question?" Malia asks and I shrug, "You already asked so there's no point in asking..." Malia laughs. "Okay, well I want to say why we were having that fight about him? I mean what's going on between the two of us, me and you actually." I shrug. "What point do I have with him. Obviously, he liked you since the third grade if that's true. I just met him. He's a Lydia expert like he was a book of your life. I'm not close to him in any way. What's the point, do we both like him or something?" Okay that literally made me choked. Did she just said that we both liked him? As also me and her? What is happening?

"Whoa Lydia, you okay? Didn't mean to say that out loud, I'm so sorry!" she exclaims as she pats my back gently. I stopped coughing and pulled over randomly, "Its okay Malia. And for sure, ask him out if you want. Just wait a while to get to know him and stuff and we'll see if you still want to date him. You like him obviously." I say and she looks at me blankly, "Are you sure? It seems to me that you also like him..." I raised my hand to stop her from saying more, "It may look but I just don't know what I feel. It's different than before but I want to take my time to know about this." Malia stares at me and looks down, "Okay, I'll do it. But just so you know, if it all ends up happening as if you love him, that'll be fine with me. You deserve him since his crush on you..." I smile and give her a big thanks.

The rest of the ride was getting to know each other. I simply knew a lot more from her and she kept spilling stories from her past. It seems to me that she trust me as a best friend since we had our conversation about Stiles and spit out our feelings. When I got her home, we swapped numbers and give out a simple goodbye.

Maybe she's not that bad...

Okay, clearly my plan to tell her did not went well. When I told Lydia about Isaac, she suprised me with a burst of laughter. Lydia is a huge love expert but I had never seen that coming. Maybe she's right. Isaac may not like her, it may be someone else's, am I right?

After the big crush fiasco, I went inside once again. Scott turned to me and he raised his eyebrows, "Where's Lydia? What happened out there?" I slouched down the couch and took a breath, "She gave a ride home to Malia so there's no need to talk about her now." I say while I look up at the ceiling. Allison walks towards me and slowly sits down, "You asked her out and she dumped you?" Allison asks and we all turn to her with confused looks, "What? It may be possible. I'm a girl, I know what I'm saying." Isaac huffs and sits down next to my other side, "Don't listen to her. If that did happened then someone els--" Isaac stopped shortly and he faked a cough while earning a look from Scott. Okay, seriously I was so right. Isaac Lahey likes Lydia. "Okay? But I didn't asked her, just told her something. I will plan to ask her out though." I say and Isaac's expression tightens while Allison claps playfully, "Nice decision Stiles" She says and plants a big kiss on my cheek.

So this might work. I will make Isaac crack open and reveal it right into my face. Allison's phone buzzed and she smiles big, "It's Lydia! I'll tell her about the asking." she says and heads outside. Dammit. Are you kidding me? She'll probably say no to me, like seriously I wasn't really planning to ask her if you know what I mean. We all sat in silence while we were waiting for Allison the Love Angel to finish her chat with Lydia. Isaac whistles and Scott is eating ice cream, while I'm here sitting like a dumbass waiting to hear news from a popular girl rejecting me.

Allison comes in a few seconds later and has a huge grin plastered on her face. "Stiles, get ready because you're going on your second date with Lydia! She said yes!" I stand up and smile slowly. I glanced at Scott who is also smiling at me. Allison hugs me and I stand there frozen. "Stiles, go!" I look at her curiously "What?"

"It's today! Pick her up at her house and take her somewhere. By the way, I'm having a party so bring her after." she says as she shoves me out the door. I went out the door and got to my Jeep fast and headed home to change into nice clothes for the date.

When I headed home, I ran as fast as I could up to my room. My dad isn't home yet as being the towns sheriff. I picked out a white dressed shirt and a black blazer and stuck with black jeans. I decided to leave my hair just right- a little messy in the front- and headed out the door. I went to grab a few roses in a flower shop on my way to Lydia's house.

I pulled in front of Lydia's house and hesitate before getting out, "Hope this date works," I muttered to myself while heading to the door. I knock and heard footsteps coming over to the door. Lydia then appears with a mini red strapless dress, a hint of lip gloss and her strawberry-blonde hair curled. She smiles and I hand her over the roses, "Ready for our date?" Lydia accepts the roses and nods with a smile. We jumped into the Jeep and I drove over to Denny's the ride silent. Lydia cleared her throat, "Stiles where are we heading to and why you asked me on a date?" I looked over at her and she had a concerned face.

I tap my hand on the wheel, "First, we're going to Denny's. Second, I kinda did the date asking for a reason that will get you to get the shit out of you, so I'm not getting into that, Allison did the asking for me." I spill everything to her, well not everything, and she just gives me a slow nod.

We were at Denny's and it seems the place wasn't so silent, there were a few voices. At least because the sun is going down and becoming night. We reserved our seats and the waitress lead us to it. She gave us our menus and head to the kitchen. We sat there in silence, our eyes only focusing on our menus. Lydia let out a sigh and she closes her menu. I glanced at her who was watching me and I do the same.

"Stiles, let's talk. We haven't done this since you know" she says as she puts a piece of her behind her ear and bites her lip nervously. "Okay listen, Allison is having a party tonight and she said if you want to come after the date..." Lydia nodded,"Okay, I'll come. But if it makes you happy."


We were finally done with our dinner and I paid. We headed over to Allison's party. Lydia decided to call Malia and invite her also but Malia denied, saying that she had family problems now that she had found them. I parked in front of Allison's house and we headed towards the entrance. A lot of people were there, some dancing. Some are making out, eating, talking, drinking and even playing stupid party games.

"You want a drink?" I ask Lydia and she nods. I turned around to get two beers when Allison camed over to greet us,"Glad you can make it...uh...how was the date?" We look at Allison suspiciously. "It was fine, Ally. I mean Stiles was there so..." she said with a blush forming in her cheeks. Allison smiled at us and slapped my shoulder playfully, "Clearly, Lydia wants to go out with you again"

"Clearly, you're super drunk. Now let's get you out of here!" Lydia takes Allison by the elbow and leads her upstairs. I stand there for a moment and went for a beer in the kitchen. I spot Scott getting 3 beers and I go over to him, "Oh you made it! How was the date, it must've been great since you have that outfit on." he said impressed. "It was awesome and have you noticed how Allison is drunk? Lydia even had to take her up to her room!" Scott widens his eyes, "What?! That's not Allison!"

"For your information Scotty, she's super different when she's in parties, so..." Scott looks at me like he isn't dumb and he doesn't need me to tell him. Kira then comes towards us with her face full of pride.

"You guys want to play a game? We need a few more people, oh and Scott? Your girlfriend is super drunk so you want to talk her out of it." Kira tells Scott and he frowns,"Talk her out of what?" Kira's face darkens and she plays with her bracelet."She's super drunk and there's even worse news..." her face gets a little frustrated. "Yeah, we already know that she's super drunk but what's worse than that?" I ask her.

"She's hosting the game, herself."
A/N: Just so you know, the next chapter will be really interesting. Allison hosting the party, huh. You guys might say 'so what?' But by herself. She might do something stupid that may lead Stiles and Lydia into a conflict. Now you see what I mean...

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