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He was in my house and we were on the couch. He looked into my eyes and we kissed. He let go and put his hands around my neck. I couldn't breath, I saw his eyes that looked determined and ready to kill me.
I woke up with tears running down my eyes. There was sweat going down my face. I need to stop having nightmares about this. I check my phone that was on the charger on my nightstand. 2:05.
This the first week since I came back was rough. It's only Sunday and my brain is full of things about that stupid house that I dream it almost every night. I know Elijah's not a killer. I've known this guy since I was eight years old and I know that he's not capable of murder, but the thought still gave me chills down my spine. People saying that they have enough evidence to prove him guilty. He could go to jail for just of few accusations. 
With all those thoughts, I tried going back to sleep.
I shoot awake to an ear piercing scream that wasn't my own or my moms.
I run out of my room and down the stairs, not even checking the time. It was coming from the house across from mine. I sprint all the way up the hill, now realizing I was barefoot.
I walk up to the front porch. The house stood in complete silence and darkness. There was no sign of any body. My hearts beating out of my chest and I suddenly find myself feeling lost and confused. Everything is now a blur and I'm getting dizzy. I stumble onto the ground. Not sure if I can get myself back to my feet, I try my best to raise myself up, now realizing there's dirt all over my clothes and feet. I sprint back home not even turning back.

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