Chapter 21:

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"Mintfeather? Are you alright?" Larkpool mewed when the blind medicine cat turned to face the entrance of the den.

"Why?" He mewed faintly.

"Because you look more exhausted nowadays. I'm worried about you." The she-cat mewed as she padded into the den. "What's going on?"

"It's nothing. I wouldn't expect anyone to understand." Mintfeather mewed, turning away from his mother.


"Someone come quick!" A fearful yowl sounded outside the den. Both cats poked their heads out of the medicine den. Redfang was standing in the middle of camp with various claw marks on his face and body. At his paws lay a bloodied white pelt with brown, ginger, and black splotches. "Speckledfern is injured!" Mintfeather dashed out toward the sound of the warrior's voice, panic rising in his throat.

"Dear StarClan, please be alright!" He prayed before sniffing at his former mentor. His fur had started to reek faintly of death. With a heavy heart, Mintfeather raised his head. "Speckledfern... Speckledfern is dead." He sighed. The gathered clanmates gasped in shock. Waspflame's eyes flashed with grief and Pricklenose wrapped her tail around his, her eyes sad.

"I'm sorry." She murmured to her mate.

"He was the only sibling I had left." Waspflame muttered. "And now he's gone." Robinfeather stared at his father sadly and turned to Thrushwing, who was staring at his paws.

"What happened?" Darkriver asked Redfang.

"I accompanied Speckledfern to grab herbs. W-we got attacked by a SnakeClan patrol. They killed him!" He mewed. Mintfeather clenched his teeth.

"Come with me. I need to take a look at your wounds." He mewed before padding towards the medicine den with the ginger warrior on his heels.

Everything was starting to fall apart.


"Mintfeather, may I speak with you?" Mintfeather turned away from Redfang at the sound of his father's voice.

"Yes Dawnstar?" He mewed.

"Come with me please." The grey tabby leader rasped, waiting until the grey medicine cat padded towards him to start leading him towards his den. Once they got there, two distinct scents flooded his nostrils. His fur started to bristle with alarm when the scent of pine and the slightly metallic smell of blood hit him. Nightshade's scent, Mintfeather recalled. He then smelled the scent of honeydew. Larkpool.

"What's going on?" Mintfeather asked, frowning as he sat in between his mother and the deputy.

"I've brought you all here to tell you something important." Dawnstar mewed seriously, turning to the three cats. Larkpool tilted her head curiously at him and Nightshade stared at him emotionlessly.

"What's going on, Dawnstar?" Larkpool asked.

"I am on my last life." He mewed.

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