Chapter 17:

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Mintpaw followed after Speckledfern as they crossed the SnakeClan border. They were on their way to Moonrock since it was a half-moon. Once they got there, they spotted Fuzzyfeather and Smokepaw standing there, waiting for them.

"Greetings Speckledfern." Fuzzyfeather mewed, dipping his head. Smokepaw smiled at Mintpaw, who stayed silent.

"Greetings Fuzzyfeather. It's been a while." He mewed. Fuzzyfeather purred and flicked his tail.

"It has." He glanced down at Mintpaw. "Hello Mintpaw." He mewed in greeting.

"Hello." He answered back shyly. Fuzzyfeather smiled and nodded towards the mouth of the cave.

"We should get going then." He mewed, leading the way into the cave. Mintpaw heard Smokepaw gasp beside him at the sight of the beautiful, shimmering rock shaped like a claw. "Before we get started, I want to do something." Fuzzyfeather mewed to Speckledfern, who nodded his head.

"So do I." He mewed. They turned to their apprentices and purred.

"Smokepaw, step forth." Fuzzyfeather mewed. Smokepaw frowned with confusion, but complied. "I think it's time that you've become a full-fledged medicine cat." He mewed. He turned to the Moonrock and purred. "I call upon our ancestors in StarClan so that they may hear my choice. Smokepaw, you shall now be known as Smokefang, medicine cat of DarkClan." Fuzzyfeather purred, dipping his head at the young tom, who purred.

"Congratulations." Mintpaw purred to the tom.

"Mintpaw." The light grey apprentice immediately straightened up, eyes wide and ears perked up in alert.

"Yes Speckledfern?" He asked.

"Step forth." Mintpaw placed a scared pawstep forward before Thrushpaw's voice rang in his ears.

"You can do anything as long as you believe in yourself. Just watch, you'll be the greatest Medicine Cat DuskClan ever had!"

With a new air of confidence, he stood before his mentor, head held high and his blind mint eyes staring straight ahead. Fuzzyfeather turned to Smokefang, who tilted his head with confusion. "It seems young Mintpaw has gained some confidence." He whispered.

"I call upon our ancestors in StarClan so that they may hear my choice. Mintpaw, you have been the best apprentice I could ask for. You've learned quickly and efficiently. When you were a kit, you depended only on the senses of sight and touch. But now you depend on your other senses, and it works the best for you. I have taught you well." He purred. "From this moment forward, you shall no longer be known as Mintpaw. You shall be recognized as Mintfeather, medicine cat of DuskClan!" Smokefang and Fuzzyfeather let out soft cheers and Mintfeather purred.

"Thank you." He mewed. He couldn't wait to tell Thrushpaw!


"Thrushpaw!" Mintfeather trotted closer to the scent of his friend. Thrushpaw glanced up from his paws and purred at the light grey tom.

"How was it?" He asked. Robinpaw padded over to the two toms.

"Hey Thrushpaw, Mintpaw." He nodded.

"Actually, it's Mintfeather now." The light grey medicine cat purred. The two toms stared at him with shock.

"Really?!" Thrushpaw exclaimed, his eyes lighting up with joy. "Congrats!"

"Thrushpaw, Robinpaw, get over here! Our initiation starts soon!" Darkpaw called. Thrushpaw and Robinpaw glanced at each other. Robinpaw sprinted towards the leaving patrol and Thrushpaw looked over at Mintfeather.

"Tell me all about it when I get back." The tom purred, licking Mintfeather on the cheek before sprinting after the patrol. Mintfeather stood there in shock before he purred and padded towards the medicine den.

"I see you haven't taken my advice." Speckledfern mewed. Mintfeather froze and turned his head towards the sound of his mentor's voice.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mintfeather lied. Speckledfern stared at him.

"Mintfeather, as much as it pains me to say this, your duty is to our clan. You must put the clan first before yourself." He mewed. "You've grown so much, but you're still hanging onto your feelings for Thrushpaw. It can only end in disaster!" Mintfeather whirled on him, snarling angrily.

"What do you suggest I do?! Forget about my feelings for him altogether and pretend I don't feel anything more than friendship towards him?! I can't do that!" Mintfeather exclaimed, tears pricking his eyes. "I know it's wrong, and I know I shouldn't love him. But I do! And I don't know what to do about it!" He lashed his tail. Speckledfern sighed.

"It might be easier if you cut all ties with him before things get too far." Mintfeather's eyes widened with shock.

"You mean-" he broke off, frowning. "No! I can't! That would hurt him! I still want to be his friend!" He mewed.

"I'm sorry, but I think it's for the best if you seperated yourself from him." Speckledfern mewed gently before padding out of the den, leaving a furious, stressed, and sad Mintfeather behind.

"I don't know what I'm going to do..." He muttered.

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