Chapter 6:

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Mintpaw padded over towards his parents when Larkpool and Dawnstar called him over to eat with them.

"How are you doing with your training?" Larkpool asked her son, purring. Dawnstar looked at him.

"I'm doing well, I believe." He answered quietly. Dawnstar purred and opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off when Nightshade padded over to him.

"Dawnstar, we had a run-in with a fox near the border of DarkClan." He mewed, his amethyst eyes devoid of any emotion. Dawnstar stood up and dipped his head to the warrior.

"Thank you Nightshade." He mewed. Nightshade nodded his head and glanced over at where Thrushpaw and Robinpaw entered camp, both carrying prey in their jaws.

"Wow! Look at how big that bird is! How did you catch it?!" Darkpaw mewed, her emerald eyes alight with wonder as she stared up at Thrushpaw, who dropped his fresh-kill in the pile.

"You won't believe it! Thrushpaw climbed a tree and the bird started flying away, but he ran on the branch towards it and leapt up to hook his claws into it's wings!" Robinpaw mewed excitedly. Thrushpaw rolled his eyes at the tom.

"It's not as great as your catch! You were way too fast for that rabbit! It didn't stand a chance!" He mewed. Robinpaw's eyes lit up with pride.

"Really?" He asked hopefully.

"Really." Thrushpaw purred. Waspflame padded over to the three apprentices and stared down at Robinpaw's catch.

"Did you really catch that?" He asked. Robinpaw nodded his head eagerly. "Nice catch." Waspflame purred to his son. Mintpaw expected Nightshade to pad over to Thrushpaw and compliment his son like Waspflame had with Robinpaw. However Pricklenose was the one who complimented him.

"You must have really strong muscles for a leap like that." She purred. Thrushpaw ducked his head with embarrassment.

"Thanks." He mewed softly. Mintpaw padded away from his parents and towards Thrushpaw, who spotted him and brightened, padding towards him as well.

"How did the hunt go?" Mintpaw asked, already knowing the answer.

"It went great! How were things while we were gone?" He asked Mintpaw.

"Quiet." Mintpaw mewed.

"Thrushpaw." A gruff voice called, making Mintpaw jump at the sheer closeness of it. He turned his head towards where he heard the noise and scented Nightshade.

"Is that all you caught? A bird?" He could hear the disappointment clear in Nightshade's voice. Thrushpaw's ears flattened against his head and he stared down at his paws.

"Yes." He said softly. Nightshade snorted and rolled his eyes.

"You can do better." He said before turning and padding away. Mintpaw stared at the direction he heard Nightshade going with disbelief and something bubbled within him.

"What's his problem?! That was a great catch, from what I've heard!" Mintpaw hissed, his fur fluffing up.

"Not good enough." Thrushpaw muttered to himself. "Don't let Nightshade get on your nerves. He's always been like that." He said sadly. Mintpaw turned towards Thrushpaw with wide eyes.

"Well-" Mintpaw broke off, uncertain of what to say. And then it popped into his head and he stood taller. "Don't listen to that mouse-brain! You did great! Any piece of prey is appreciated for the clan, no matter how big or small it may be, or how many you've caught!" He mewed with determination. He heard Thrushpaw's amused purr and felt his pelt heat up with embarrassment before he slouched over and cast his gaze downward. He probably sounded mouse-brained!

"Thanks Mintpaw. You're a good friend." He mewed softly, making Mintpaw look up with shock. "Want to share a piece of prey with me?" He asked, and Mintpaw smiled.

"Of course." He purred.

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