Chapter 10:

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Mintpaw padded out of the medicine den and sniffed the air, scenting a certain brown tom nearby. He padded over and sat down next to Thrushpaw, grooming his paw.

"Good morning." He purred. Thrushpaw yawned and stretched, blinking open his forest green eyes. Mintpaw turned his head towards him and chuckled.

"You sound like you didn't get much sleep." He mewed with amusement.

"I didn't. Robinpaw kept kicking me in the side. Again." Thrushpaw grumbled, standing up. Mintpaw laughed and shook his head.

"He was always kicking in his sleep even when he was a kit." He purred. Thrushpaw purred with him and yawned once more. "Why are you up so early if you didn't get much sleep?" Mintpaw asked him.

"I have to go on the dawn patrol." He replied drowsily. Mintpaw sighed.

"You're going to collapse in the middle of it." He mewed.

"I wouldn't be surprised if I did." Thrushpaw mewed with amusement. There was a squeal from the nursery and their heads turned towards the den.

"Did you see the kits?" Mintpaw asked him. Thrushpaw shook his head.

"Not today. It's getting tiring playing with them everyday." Thrushpaw sighed. Mintpaw purred and looked to where he believed his friend was.

"They certainly seem to enjoy the time you spend with them, from what I've heard." He mewed. Thrushpaw purred at Mintpaw.

"Especially Skykit. She tried following me out of camp the other day." He mewed with amusement. That made Mintpaw's heart clench painfully before he shook it off. "Hey, are you alright?" Thrushpaw mewed. Mintpaw looked up at him and nodded his head vigorously.

"Y-yeah. Why does she do that?" Mintpaw asked, trying to sound curious, but ended up sounding more bitter.

"I don't know." Thrushpaw mewed thoughtfully, his eyes narrowing.

"It's cause she likes you, mouse-brain." Robinpaw's mew sounded near them, and they turned towards where the ginger and brown tom was padding towards them.

"What?!" Both toms exclaimed. Robinpaw gave both toms a startled look and Mintpaw ducked his head in embarrassment as Thrushpaw shook his head rapidly.

"No, that can't be. Please tell me you're joking." He mewed. Robinpaw shook his head and purred with amusement.

"What's the matter, don't want a kit to have a crush on you?" He teased.

"No, I don't." He replied. Mintpaw looked over at Thrushpaw.

"What about apprentices or warriors?" He asked.

"Well if it's the cat that I have a crush on, sure. But if not, then no thank you." He mewed, sounding a bit nervous.

"Oh? And who would that be?" Robinpaw asked, his tone teasing. Thrushpaw groomed his chest fur, trying to busy himself so he wouldn't have to answer.

"Why should I tell you?" He asked.

"Is it Darkpaw? It's Darkpaw, isn't it." Robinpaw purred. "I knew you liked her!"

"What?! No! Darkpaw is just a friend. I don't like her that way." Thrushpaw growled, rolling his eyes.

"Then who do you like?" Mintpaw asked. Thrushpaw froze and glanced at him before shuffling his paws nervously.

"I'm going to go bring Shinefur a piece of prey. I haven't seen her eat anything this morning." He muttered and scurried off to bring a rabbit to the expecting queen. Mintpaw perked his ears up when he heard Robinpaw snicker.

"I know exactly who he likes now."

"You do? Who is it?" Mintpaw asked, curiosity clawing at him. He really wanted to know.

"Oh, you'll probably find out soon." Robinpaw purred, staring at Mintpaw with amusement as the light grey tom stifled a growl of frustration and turned away.

"I hope not." He muttered to himself. Robinpaw watched him turn and psd away before smiling knowingly.

"You won't be thinking that for long." He purred.

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