"I'm sorry. But if it makes you feel any better I don't think you did it. You're way too nice." Joe laughs wrapping an arm around Troye.

"Thanks love. It does make me feel better."

"We should go out to dinner," Troye suggests, remembering the party him and Zoe planned and hoping that Joe doesn't say no.

"I don't really feel like it. We can just stay here?"

"But I already made us reservations. And it's your favorite restaurant. It'll take your mind off everything, I promise. And then we can come back here and we can do whatever you want," Troye says, whispering the last part into Joe's ears as some type of bribe. He groans and bites his lip.

"Fine. But be prepared because tonight, I won't go easy on you," Joe tells Troye as he gets up from the bed and spanks his butt. Troye smirks.

"I can't wait."


"Babe, they're closed. We should just go home," Joe says as they reach his favorite Italian restaurant, Ray's. The inside is dark and void of anyone. Troye smiles.

"No it's not."

"The sign clearly says Closed!" Joe says and points to the white sign on the door. Again Troye just gives him a smile and opens the front door, pulling his reluctant boyfriend inside. "What are you-"

"Happy birthday!" All their friends shout, popping out of their hiding places and turning on the lights when the couple is inside. Joe jumps in surprise, clutching his chest as his heart races rapidly. Troye laughs and wraps his arms around his waist kissing his cheek.

"Happy birthday," he chuckles and earns a playful slap on the shoulder. Zoella and Alfie walk towards them, laughing and hugging Joe as well. The rest of the guest moving around the beautifully decorated restaurant to talk amongst themselves.

"I hate you guys!" Joe says, obviously joking, just still a bit shaken up from the surprise. Troye grins and holds Joe's hand, excusing themselves and taking him to the bar and ordering a drink. He hands it to Joe.

"Here. I want you to have fun today. Forget about your work and all that stuff. You deserve it." Joe smiles and places a loving kiss on Troye's cheek.

"I love you, so much Troye," he says and for some reason it sounds distant. The words not settling right with Troye like they usually would but he ignores it. Taking the words like he normally does: with a smile.

"I love you too!"


After some hours of drinking, eating and dancing, the happy intoxicated couple walk the short distance to their apartment which proved harder than they thought. Joe was more drunk than Troye and he was the type of drunk to get distracted and try to wonder off. Troye felt like he was dealing with a child but thankfully he managed to get them both inside and to their room. "Here we are," Troye says and gently lays Joe on the bed. He laughs and sits up, bringing Troye in between his legs and playing with Troye's dress pant button.

"So," Joe smirked, "do I still get to do whatever I want with you?" Troye bits his lip and nods. He squeals when Joe pulls him onto the bed and hovers over him, connecting their mouths in a heated kiss. Clothes are being pulled off, hair is being pulled and before Troye knows it, Joe is inside of him, thrusting like there's no tomorrow. And just like Joe said earlier, he wasn't going easy.

Their small room is filled with moans and the sound of skin slapping. And maybe it's the alcohol in his system because it all happened in a blur. For Troye there was mo time to actually enjoy or savor their moment together before Joe moans and spills inside Troye. He places his sweaty forehead on Troye's shoulder and pulls out, passing out once his head hits his own pillow. Troye frowns and looks at his sleeping lover. His own d.ick is still achingly hard but he doesn't feel the mood to do anything about it.

The night wasn't perfect but it was good enough. The cake he made was still in the fridge and the present he got Joe was still under his pillow. Troye sighed. They'd just have to wait till tomorrow.

Cuddling into Joe's back, Troye started to doze off. The sticky feeling substance on his backside making Troye's stomach drop with panicked realization.

They hadn't used a condom. And Troye skipped his pill this morning.


A/N: Another update! I meant to write this sooner but tomorrow morning I have to take my permit test so I was kind of stressing out.

Anyways, what did you guys think of the first chapter? Good? Bad? Okay? Let me know.

Im gonna try not to rush this story but I'm also not gonna try to drag it on.

Until the next update!




Unplanned Pregnancy :Tronnor mpreg✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя