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Hey everyone, I know I haven't updated for months now, it's because I've been going through a lot these days.

My family is more... fcked up and I'm going cray-cray with our society. Added with more family problems and school pressure, I was soooooo not in the mood to write anything :(

Plus, I got a new phone and all of my written chapters are in the old one (it broke) and since I was not in the mood to write, I decided to stay off Wattpad and all other things.

So I'll be back first week in April, hopefully. Please pray for me and my family, I dunno how to cope with this anymore.

Thank you for the support everyone, for the patience, for the wait and for the love. My family might be a little dysfunctional these days but I know I have my Wattpad Fam who'll stay with me all the way. And for that, thank you!

Thanks for the understanding and lots of love, Ree x

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