11- Belle, Her Prince and The Evil Wedding Crashers

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A/N: Important author's note at the end! Please read it!

Laying here on my bed with a stock of books on my abdomen while reading one and a tray of pancakes, hot chocolate, water and some pain reliever on my bed side table in a Friday morning is not my ideal thing to do during a school day morning.

But you can't blame me and it's not my fault. Menstrual cramp is a bitch, right, girls?

I flinched and arched my back a bit as a surge of pain struck me again and I resisted to roll over, cuddle into a small ball trying to sleep the pain away.

"I'm going to die..." I almost cried -with tears brimming around my eyes as I blinked them away- when another wave of pain came.

I removed the stock of books on my abdomen -seeing it is not helping anyways- and rolled to the side of my bed and I sat up, drank some pain reliever and downed it with water.

I sighed as I went back up to bed and snuggled on my really warm and cozy blanket and pillows as I pulled my body closer to form a ball and a peaceful feeling swirled inside me and I was ready to welcome sleep with wide, open arms and enjoy my time alone.

But there are just some things that are such a kill joy and I was ready to throw my phone when it blasted it's infamous ringtone 'I Knew You Were Trouble'.

And since I am weak and lazy enough, I just started to feel my bed side table to find my phone and when I did, it fell and I groaned as I sat up and reached for it.

"And what may be your problem is, hmm?" I asked Kahn and he chuckled, "And why may be you are cranky right now?"

I sighed impatiently because I really want to sleep now that I am sleepy and with Kahn calling me, I don't think I ever will. "What do you w-want?" I said chocking out the last word as another pain surged inside me and I mumbled a few 'Ow's, curse words and hisses.

"Are you okay?" He asked and there were shuffling in the other line.

Weird, he sounds like he's still in bed and it's already 9.

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I said dismissively and that's when I tuned out and just mummbled some 'Uh-huh's and yes.

"I'm coming over!" He said in a faint voice and I replied unconciously when I got off the bed painfully slow, "Mhmm."

But that's when it all sunk in and my eyes bulged out of it's sockets and I tried to cover up my first answer yelling, "WAIT WHAT?! NO--"

But the idiot ended up the call leaving my mouth agape incredulously.

Yep, so much for enjoying my time alone.

"Are you a princess?" Said Kahn's brunnete, sweet and cute little sister, Brianne in her cute little voice.

"No." I said chuckling and she pouted and that's when she grinned back and started jumping on my bed "Oh I know! You're Kahn's princess!"

I opened my mouth to object but Kahn interrupted, "No. She's my queen."

I gave him an incredulous look but he flipped it off dismissively and I just rolled my eyes.


The sound of the doorbell made me jump off my bed and regret what I just did when a swirl of pain struck my abdomen making me hiss.

I walked out my bed slowly and out my room as I padded down the stairs to open the door and welcome Kahn.

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