7- Ditching with the bad boy

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Unedited (all of my chapters are xD)


"We're ditching."

"Sounds like a good idea." I said and matched his smirk.

I don't know what happened to me to ditch school, but I guess, I need a break.

A break from school, a break from pressure, a break from Vi and Nickky, and a break with Kahn and if I'm lucky enough, a broken heart from Kahn.

What in the heavens are you thinking Danielle?!

My inner-self argued.

"I just want to break this God damned boy's heart. Besides, we can hung out." I mumbled under my breath hoping Kahn won't hear anything.

With Kahn?! You can't trust him! You know that he can do anything with you! Much worse than Dylan! And what if he gets to break your heart first? You'll go crying again!

But Kahn cared for me. He stepped in between Dylan and I and he protected me.

I owe him.

And he owes me the story about his sister. Which, I don't know existed.

You really think of that huh?! How can you be so reckless! He's Tyler Kahn Axel, bad boy, complete opposite and a total jerk!

I really hate having internal arguments! It makes me crazy.

I sighed.

You're crazy enough to go with Kahn.

"Shut up bitch!" I scolded and smacked myself for two reasons-

One- To make the bitch inside my head shut up.

Two- For saying it out loud.

Kahn stopped walking and turned to me as he raise an eyebrow. I immediately looked down and gave interest to the floor as heat started to creep into my cheeks.

Kahn chuckled beside me and I looked up and saw him shake his head as we continued to walk.

This time, he intertwined his hand into mine and I felt the warm feeling of his hand into mine and I swear, his hands are softer than mine.

Oh my, my cage is really falling off!

We walked slowly across the hallway listening to the sound of our heavy breathing and footsteps and we stepped out of the gates...

More like, the school's janitor screaming our names to get us back in.

But no can do.


"I don't know where your going but do you got room for one more troubled soul." I sang— I mean, screamed together with my air guitar and Kahn's headbangs inside his pick-up car listening to F.O.B's "Alone Together".

"I don't know where I'm going but i don't think I'm going home, and I said, I'll check in, tomorrow if i don't wake up dead." Kahn continued in a surprisingly, good voice.

"This is the road to ruin and I'm starting at the end." We sang and harmonized our voice.

I'm not actually a great singer, just a frustrated one. But I was surprised to find our voice blending together in a smooth melody.

"Say yeah! Let's be alone together! We can stay young forever, scream it from the top of your lungs, lungs, lungs. Say yeah!" I sang and Kahn followed.

"Let's be alone together. We can stay young forever, we'll stay young, young, young." 

"You know what, for a boy like you, I never thought you got a pretty good voice." I blurted out absent-mindedly and I mentally gave myself a kick for my stupidness.

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