10- Save it, Romeo!

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Kahn is the biggest jerk I have ever had an encounter with.

He's so damn irritating and I just want to wipe that smirk off his face with a chair. He's a stupid jerk, an idiot, butt-faced, overly self-obssessed, conceited and obnoxious bastard.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" He asks as I grabbed my books for my Spanish class.

I shut my locker door with more force than usual making Kahn flinch and made students turned to watch us.

"Ask yourself that." I simply answered and turned to walk away, well, I didn't have any chance to because as cliché as it is, he grabbed my arm to prevent me from walking away from him.

"Let the hell go." I demanded but no, he chose to be his usual stubborn self that irritates the hell of me.

"I'm not going to if you won't tell me what's wrong about me, wrong about you and wrong about us."

"Wow. The nerve you have! To say something about 'Us' because it never happened and you know what? I think it will be better if we'll be back to square again."  I exclaimed pretty loudly and more students gathered.

He's right, what the hell is wrong with me? Why am I making this a big deal?

"You're getting attention." Kahn states stupidly and I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, no. Idiot." I replied back glaring.

"Just please answer my question?" He asks sincerely while adding, "Please?"

I gave in and added, "Just one. No more."

He nodded and the students surrounding us started to gather closer to hear our conversation.

"Why are you so irritated of me?" He asks and my eyebrows shot up unbelievingly. Of all the question he can ask about me, it's this stupid one and he's risking his chance to ask any question about me. And more of, the question is based on my opinion, not his.

"You want the truth?" I asked and he replied, "Nothing but it."

"Fine." I said while taking a deep breath and saying these words angrily in one breath,"First of, I'm not the one that everybody loves, not the one with a freaking drool-worth body, not the one with half Brazilian blood, six-pack and those annoyingly super white teeth, amazing soft hair and super sparkly eyes! What did you put on them? Glitters?!"

I'm in deep shit.

That's all I can say. Did I actually say that? Stupid, stupid, stupid, damnit!

My eyes widened in realization and I looked around and saw the students bitting their lips trying not to laugh. I looked at Kahn and he's staring at me blankly before saying, "Really?"

"No, not really. What an idiot!" I exclaimed filled with sass while my cheeks burned in embarrassment and I already know what's going to happen.




A burst of laugh echoed in the hallways and filled the locker room with it, and I glared at the boy laughing his ass off in front of me.

"That w-was, oh m-my. I'm dying!" He said in between laughter while clutching his stomach.

He noticed my expression and immediately, he stopped and I gave him -and all the students around- one last lingering glare while saying dryly directly to Kahn, "Glad you find me as a joke."

And I stormed off as the bell rang, well, not before hearing Kahn curse under his breath.

Serves him right.

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