A Mystery

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Chapter 15- A Mystery

Waking up with a nagging thought behind my mind was beyond uncomfortable, seeing it's the first day that Tyler is not going to pick me up today. Knowing he didn't sleep well last night, knowing he was probably blaming himself when his father called him worthless and that he is a disappointment. Last night, I thought over and over if me, giving him space is a good decision, and after contemplating for five hours, I guess it is. It's better that he will know everything or everyone's essence in his life even if that was a good experience or not.

Pushing off the flood of thoughts, questions, opinions, regrets, side notes, pity, and remarks, I managed to dress decently and went my usual route, this time, by myself.

The aura coating the hell hole I call school is different and surreal, too. One familiar dark vibe was missing and everything was different. And I guess the whole school noticed it too, with the whispers, shock stares, dropped jaws. They looked at me with pity and some...in anger. And those came from the two spawns of satan who ignored me for about five months and decided to grow their airhead-horns long.

"We've warned you to back off but you didn't. Now look at what you've done? He's not here and it's because of you. You could've just closed your mouth and saved your crap. I've always known you're no good for Tyler."

"First of, you don't know what happened really. Second, why not you do it? Isn't it boring every time you tell me something, I ask you to do it instead, but you can't? What a shame you put in yourself Nick. And you're right, I'm no good for him, I figured that already." Pushing harshly pass them, I search through the crowd of eyes staring back at my cold ones. There was no familiar warm brown that screams 'red' at me. The familiar red that made my heart flutter and made me feel the real adventures in life. But it's gone now, with just one swift blow to the gut.

"We've heard." A voice said behind me. A voice I wasn't expecting to hear from, it was Alex's.

"That what? I messed up so bad and that was my entire fault? Well, yeah, I say, about a million people approached me today repeating that over and over again."

"Danielle, we're not here to judge you or tell you or lecture you, but we are here because we're a friend of yours—"

"Really? I didn't know that."

"And we want to tell you that Kahn—we mean, Tyler says he's sorry for yelling at you and letting you out. He is sincere, Dane. He's...lost."

"I know, I know." I sighed and ran a hand through my hair,

"But if he wants to apologize, just tell him to man up, grow a pair and tell me straight to my face. Oh and don't forget to tell him it was not his fault, yeah?" I said with a two-finger salute then went to my first class.

To say I felt like I was a Hollywood star after all the questions thrown at me –which I ignored- was an understatement. I went out my last period for the morning with a headache preparing to form in my head. I really need to cool off and if not, I'd snap; I'm sure nobody would like to see me mad, specially this time.

I was greeted with the usual buzz in the cafeteria, and I made my way for the line. It was a bad day really, and it couldn't get worse when a student bumped at me, making his books fall off his grip.

"Watch it!" And that was the last straw for me to blow up.

The freshman's lip quivered as I scowled at him. Mumbling a faint apology, he stormed off flaming red and I made my way to a random table, pulled my earphones out, and ready to tune the world out without even caring about lunch.

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