6- The bad boy cares.

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Another poke.


I closed my eyes in irritation with the boy sitting beside me in detention.

Yes, I'm having my first -like, first- detention because of Kahn.

Want to know why?

It all started when...




The shrill sound of the bell broke the silence inside of my chemistry classroom.

I picked my things up and went to my locker. I got my bag and pulled out my books and placed it into my locker. After that, I closed the door.

A high-pitched squeal came out from my mouth as I clutched my heart trying to calm my breathing.

There stood Dylan. Ultimate playboy, gossip boy, party guy.


He chuckled at my expression and I scowled at him.

"Hey." He greets and flashed me his pearly-whites, adding to his handsome features.

"Uh, hey." I greeted back and gave him a tight smile.

He shamelessly raked his eyes on my body, up and down, stopped to my bare legs and back up.

"Nice body." He said and I narrowed my eyes at him again.

He then pulled me near him, my chest slamming towards his. He lowered his head to my neck and I felt his breath on it, making me shiver.

I may be a heartbreaker and they may be the one who approaches me, but I will never ever let a guy push himself into me.

No one dares to mess with me.

He drew closer, closer and dangerously closer.

I grabbed the nearest thing near me and brought it up and smack him with it.

Too bad for him, it's a book.

Harry Potter to be exact. And it's hard-bounded.

My bad.

He flashed me a glare as he gripped my shoulders and spoke directly at my face, his breath fanning to it.

"You shouldn't have done that!" He snapped and my heart beat quickened as his iris grew evilly darker.

He then gripped my hair. Painfully, I may add.

He pulled it back and I squirmed trying to get out of his grip. But he's stronger than me and all I can do is whimper.

"You maybe hot Schreave but I never thought you're this stupid! Why did you hit me bitch, huh?! Answer me!" He shouts at my face as he gripped my cheeks trying to squeeze out my answer.

"I-I..." I stuttered as his grip on my cheeks and hair tightened.

"Answer me now or you'll be dead." He says and my eyes widened.

He may be a playboy and abusive, but I don't know he'll stoop low and kill.

"Let her go or you'll be dead."

A familiar voice at my back snaps and Dylan's grip on me loosened.

Next thing I know, a fist swung and hit Dylan square to the jaw sending him to the ground with a grunt.

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