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7 months later


"This is her." The doctor said pointing at the screen. I looked up at Maddy and smiled.

I looked back at the screen and lightly touched my belly. I giggled when I felt a kick.

"Hey baby." I whispered.

Maddy just smiled at me. She kept her word. She's been helping me through this whole thing. Everyone at school knows I'm pregnant.

But some shocking news was told to me.

*6 months earlier*

"Maddy the bump is showing what do I do!" I freaked and kept pacing in the bathroom.

We arrived earlier than everyone else to talk to the principle but he wasn't here. Then some students showed up and pointed it out.

"I don't know!" She sighed. The bathroom door opened and both our heads flew to the door.

There stood Kate. "Hey." She sighed.

"What is it." I spat.

"I need to tell you something.." I nodded for her to continue. "That night at the party. David got you drunk. He and Nash have a bad history...well he got you drunk and convinced you he was thinking it was Nash you went upstairs with him...David played the sweet let me get you to bed thing...Alli I heard you screaming for help when I went up the stairs. I opened the door and he was forcing himself into you...that night you got raped." She explained and her voice held pain.

"How do you know all this?" I whispered.

"Because David was my boyfriend. He told me he was getting some tonight and I said no. So he said find and grabbed you since you were the closet girl to him."

"So I never cheated? I was raped?" I asked her. She nodded.

"Did you tell Nash?" I whispered.

"No...I wanted to tell you first."

I nodded my head and left the bathroom.


*3 months after that*


"Alli...can we talk please?"

"Nash I've got things to do. It's hard enough already excuse me." I whispered and tried to side step him.

"Please Kate told me everything. Please please let me explain!" He sighed.

"Nash I was raped..even if I did cheat you're supposed to be my boyfriend. You were supposed to be their for me. To forgive me because I would never ever make it again. But instead you left me! Nash I've seen you looking at me all these months. Watching this baby grow. Watching me struggle you didn't do a damn thing! I have nothing to say to you now move!"


"Nash stop. She doesn't need this stress. She has enough." Maddy spat and helped me out of the cafeteria.

***present time***

"So come back here in two weeks to see the progress alright?" I nodded my head.

Maddy helped me stand up and helped me to the elevator.

"So are you excited. Two months!!" I smiled at her excitement.

"I am beyond excited." I grinned.

Not Alone ~MagconOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz