Ch 47

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I sat down and laid my head back against the tree.

The wind blew my hair and I listened to Hunter Hayes and he sang to me.

Currently singing invisible. Sighing I looked up at the sky.

My mothers words from when I was younger rang in my head.

"Wherever you are you'll never be alone. We may be physically apart but mentally we aren't." I smiled at the quote.

Then her words she said to me when I was packing rang in my head.

"We may be separated but we will be together soon. If you need me, look at the sky. It's the same sky and clouds as it is here. We will be together again."

I sighed and scrolled through my messages. I came across ones from my friends.

They made me smile, then I came across some from the queen bee.

I sighed and bit my lip and cleared the messages page. I locked my phone and rested against the tree.

If you're confused still I'm in the woods. In a clearing but in the woods.

I moved my foot causing a few strands of grass to move. I heard footsteps and I looked up.

I seen Nash walking. I slowly stood up watching his every move. He moved slowly and carefully.

When he got to the middle of the clearing he stopped walking and waited.

I was about to walk to him when I heard more footsteps. I instantly sat down behind the tree in a spot where I could see everything.

Seven men wearing big black jackets came into the clearing. They were wearing sunglasses, the thick black ones where you couldn't see their eyes.

Each man had a bulge in their left side in the front of the jacket. They all had that strong posture and aroma that made you quiver.

"Do you have it?" The man in the front asked Nash directly. His voice was deep and scary, kinda like the bad guys' voice in movies.

"Yeah I got it." Nash reached into his jacket and threw the man a package.

The man opened it slightly and grinned. "Where's the rest?" He demanded raising a brow and tilting his head up slightly.

"It's coming. You'll get it when I can get ahold of it." Nash said.

The man chuckled hardly. "We made an agreement to meet today. I want my shipment today. Right now." The man said looking at Nash fully now.

"You'll get it I get it." Nash spat.

The man reached into his jacket and pulled out a handgun. "You watch that tone of voice boy. You work for me, want me to put you in your place!" The man demanded angrily. Nash remained quiet. "Well do ya!" He said with a slight edge to his voice.

"Sir, maybe we should give him one week. If he doesn't have it by then, then you put him in his place hm?" A short stocky man said from behind him.

The man remained still and quiet as if thinking it over. "You have one week. Meet here same time. Good day Mr. Grier." The man finished. They all turned and walked out of the clearing.

"Nash what the hell!?" I yelled standing up. He turned and paled.


Not Alone ~MagconWhere stories live. Discover now