ch. 20

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We pulled into the restaurant and I seen his mom and skyline getting out.

Along with Nash's dad and Hayes. We got out and met them at their car. We noticed them but they didn't notice us.

"Hey mom." He said kissing the side of her head. "Hey dad!" He high fived him.

"Hello Allison." His mom smiled.

"Please call me Ali, and hello you look lovely."

"Awe why thank you!" She smiled. Hayes and Nash were talking with their dad.

Skylynn came up to Nila and I. "Mommy I have to go potty." She said and everybody turned.

Nila laughed. "I guess that's our clue to go in then." We all laughed and nodded.

Nash came over to me. "You look nervous." He grinned down at me.

"What if they don't like the way I eat? Or the way I sit? Or they don't like my choice of food. Or-" he put his hand over my mouth and stopped me from continuing.

"Relax, they'll love you." He grinned. I nodded my head. "I know I do.." He mumbled but i still heard.

"Okay..." I sighed and paced a little bit.

Come on Allison you can do this! I can do this! I can do this! I can do this!

I turned to Nash with a smile. "Let's do this." I grinned and we headed inside.

Not Alone ~MagconWhere stories live. Discover now