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I slowly walked to the back of the library. Ever since I came here I found this secret spot.

I went back there and looked around. No one was around.

I breathed out and titled the shelf that was again the wall forward.

I slid in behind the shelf and shut it. I walked down the hallway and into the secret lounge room.

I sat down and got my stuff out. I tried and tried but couldn't focus.

Finally giving up I went on my phone. Checking the time I realized I had about a half hour till school actually started.

I heard the door open and I froze. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Who are you and what you doing here? How are you here?" She demanded.

The librarian was about in her late 20's. She was gorgeous and a huge book worm.

I know why the school let such a young women control the library.

I stood up and turned around. "You're that new girl right? The one that comes here often?"

"Yes. I am."

"Why and how are you down here." She demanded.

"Well I'll you how first. My first week here I was walking to the back of the library. Because it's usually quiet back there all the time. But me being me I tripped and grabbed onto the shelf. When I pulled myself up using the shelf it moved. So I was curious and pulled it towards me a little and it opened. Ever since then I'll come here if I'm alone. I don't know if you told anyone but in my book me and you are the only ones that know. Now I'm down here because I already told you. But today I was hoping to hide out and skip first hour because I honestly have a lot of homework and I'm so scattered brained right now. Plus I'm homesick and actually sick." I breathed taking in a long breath.

"Alright honey slow down. I can tell you're a good girl and won't give this spot away. How about I give a call to your first hour asking for you help in the library. Then because we have an assembly today you can just stay here. I know ecru erupting the assembly is about. It's about a new football coach, we are getting a bowling team, and we are putting in a swimming area. It's for free time and stuff. Plus they are switching up the schooling schedule. It's going to be longer days." I groaned at this.

She laughed a little and continued. "Because of the longer days you will have free hours. To do whatever you want. You could have more than one free in a day and have them back to back. Because they're doing this they're putting in the swimming room with a sauna, hot tub, and a pool." She finished off.

"That's so awesome!!" I said. Wow this school got better.

"Yes darlin I know. Now about we sit. I know there's some boy trouble on the pretty mind of yours."

Smiling sheepishly I sat down and began to tell the girl my troubles and sorrows.

Not Alone ~MagconDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora