Ch 52

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The day was a blur. I shut my locker and leaned my head against the locker.

The cool metal felt good against my head. God it really felt nice.

"Rough day?" Nash asked turning me around.

"It's just been stressful."

"Wanna ride home?" I nodded and we headed out to the car.

I smiled and got in and he took me to Starbucks.

I smiled and ordered my usual. He ordered a Oreo Shake. I smiled and he pulled forward.

We paid and got our drinks I grabbed his and took a drink. "Mm this is mine now." He pouted slightly and I gave him a drink. He grinned and kissed me.




After Starbucks we went to my house and ended up in my room...........


"Nash I love Disney movies." I sighed as I leaned into him more.

"Me too. So which one now?" He asked as Tarzan ended.

I took the controller and scrolled through the Disney movies Netflix had.

"How about The Jungle Book?" I grinned.

"Yes!" He screamed. I laughed and clicked on it.

I smiled as it started.

*after movies*

"Okay so we've watched Peter Pan, Cinderella, Bambi, Tarzan, The Jungle Book, Merry Poppins, Dumbo and Alice in Wonderland. What next?"

"Um how about The Hunger Games?" He offered.

"Yes!" I squealed.

He laughed and searched for it. I got up and went downstairs to get more popcorn and pop.

I started humming love yourself by JB.

"Ew what the hell are you doing here?" Someone demanded.

I turned around to see Kate. I dropped the bowl in my hands and it shattered.

"Nice job klutz." She laughed.

I shook my head and glared at her. "What're you doing here Kate!" I spat.

She grinned. "I'm here to see my favorite Auntie." She laughed. Sky came down the stairs and her face lit up.

"Kate! Honey it's so good to see you!! Are your parents here to?"

"Yeah Aunt Sky they're in the car. They're getting the groceries."

"Groceries for what?" Sky asked.

"Well we thought we could have a BBQ tonight." Kate grinned.

I stared between the two. Is this really happening?? "So who's this?" Kate asked.

"This is my step daughter." Sky said with an eye roll and tight smile. "Allison Luanne! Look at your mess! Clean it up before someone gets hurt!" Sky screamed at me then went outside.

I heard the front door open. "ANGLEA!" I heard Sky yell.

I bent down and started picking up the pieces. Kate bent down and picked some up. Wait she's gonna help me?

I let out a Yelp when something stabbed into my hand. "Please hurry, I don't want anyone to get hurt." She smirked and stood up.

I looked down at my hand to see numerous amounts of glass in my hand. I squeezed my eyes shut and bit my cheek to keep the tears.

"Alli? Is everything okay I heard something smash." Nash said coming down the stairs.

No no no! Nash go back upstairs! Don't let her see y-

"Nash!" I heard her squeal.

"Kate? What're you doing here?" I heard him.

"I'm here visiting family! We are having a BBQ tonight you should stay for it."

"Wait this is your family's house?"

"Yeah Aunt Sky, cousin Maddy, and Aunt Sky's husband." Kate said. I could hear the smile in her voice. "What're you doing here now?"

"Hanging out with-" he stopped short seeing me as he came into the kitchen.

I sat there surrounded by glass clutching my hand. Clutching the hand gushing blood.

"Hanging with who?" She asked then she "saw" me. "Oh my god! Alli are you alright??"

I looked at Nash. "Alli what happened?" I darted my eyes towards Kate then back at him. Shock spread across your face.

"Are you-"

"Yes." I said sternly. I let out a whimper as I moved my hand.

"Baby don't move." Nash demanded helping me up.

"Baby?" Kate said through clenched teeth.

"Yes baby. She's my girlfriend. Have been for a while now." Nash spit at her. She took a step back so his spit wouldn't land on her.

She stared at the spit and I swear I thought she was gonna lick it up and say he kissed her.

She looked up at us and had a tight smile. "That's gre-"

"Shut the hell up Kate. Quit faking it and get the hell out of my way." He said shoving her out of the doorway.

He picked me up bridal style and put me in his car. "Baby-" I started.

"How bad does it hurt."

"It hurts really bad." I cried and finally let the tears spill.

"It's okay baby. We'll be there soon." He said.

Not Alone ~MagconTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon