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sighed as the huge building was in view. My mom smiled at me and I just sighed and got closer to the window. I don't wanna go.

I really don't. I mean sure I've always wanted to travel, but I didn't want to be shipped across the world like a freaking present or something!

I wanted to go see the world on my own terms. But no because of some stupid contract my mum and dad sighed when they were arguing over who got me I was to be given to my dad when I turn 16.

I turned 16 in a couple months but even if I were being shipped then I still wouldn't want to go.

I honestly don't get this whole thing. Why were they arguing in the first place? Because mum started getting more shifts and dad started seeing more females.

Why did they take it court? So they could just throw more money down the drain and give me pain.

Why did dad leave to America? To be with the girl he cheated on mum with.

Why do I have to go to America? Because of a stupid court contract.

Why does my life suck? My parents are split and I no longer have a happy family.

I felt the car stop and I froze.. Oh my god.. It's really happening. I looked at my mum and paused my music.

"Please tell me this is all just a dream. That I will wake up in my bed, you'll be downstairs making breakfast. I'll get up and get dressed and we will eat and say our plans for the day. Then I'll head off to school and hangout with friends and laugh and smile and be happy?" I pleaded.

Even though I know it's not a dream I wish it was. B life doesn't work that way. You don't get what you want, and if you do well good for you. Must be nice having money you can just throw around to get what you want.

Mum shook her head and got out. She grabbed two of my bags and I grabbed the rest. We went inside and stood in line for my ticket thing.

Oh my god.. I turned to my left and saw a huge wall full of Windows. You could look outside and see the planes take off.

Not thinking I started to walk over there. I dropped my bags and softly placed my hand on the window. I watched as a plane sped down the runaway and slowly lifted into the air.

It was kinda cool looking. I sat down and watched as planes landed and took off. It was amazing to watch. For some reason it intrigued me.

They're like birds. The can take off and land when they want to, but somethings always controlling it. For birds it's their minds and what the whether is like or whether the species hunting them is around.

For planes it's the pilot, he controls the plane. He navigates and steers it to the designated location.

I heard my name called and a hand was placed on my shoulder. I sighed, bloody hell I'm leaving.

I stood up and grabbed the bags I dropped on the ground. We walked to another point in the airport and they directed me to a white gate thing. Most likely a metal detector.

I turned around and saw my mom wasn't moving.. This is where she must stop. I could feel tears threatening to pour over. I dropped my bags and ran to my mum.

I hugged her with all the strength I have. "I love you honey, call me when you land. I'll miss you." My mum sobbed into my shoulder.

"I'll miss you too mum, I promise I'll call when I land. I love you so much."

Someone came over a speaker above our heads and called for my flight. I sighed and looked at my mum. "Good bye Allison." My mother wiped her tears.

I turned and grabbed my bags and took off running to the tunnel. When I was about to come in I turned to see my mum walking away.

"Good bye mum." I wiped the single tear I let fall and entered the tunnel.

Not Alone ~MagconWhere stories live. Discover now