Ch 58

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"So you two made up?" Dani and Shawn asked.

"Yup!" We said together smiling.

"Guys. I gotta tell you something." Dani said.

"Yeah?" We all asked.

"I'm dating Sam."


Dani's pov

"You think this will look good?" I asked Alli. When I didn't get a response I turned around.

I gasped realizing Alli was gone. "Um al?" I asked looking around the store. I dropped the clothes I was holding and ran out.

I ran around the mall looking for her. I seen Shawn and knew instantly Nash was with him.

"Shawn where's Nash."

"With Alli."


"Places." Then he left.

Not Alone ~MagconWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt