Chapter 27 And So It Stands

Start from the beginning

The ground beneath me is suspended in the air, a dark piece of rock that resembles brimstone.

I'm surrounded by these suspended islands, the average diameter being about 30 feet.

A few small pieces are suspended between each grouping, resembling stairs.

I follow the path, catching the occasional glimpse of dried blood or splintered bone. Dust blows across the surface of the islands, erasing the foot trail behind me.

The stones seem to hum as I climb the stairs, the frequency getting more and more intense with each step.

I climb what I can see as the last set of stairs, which spiral upward toward the largest cluster of islands.

A large chair- no- it's a throne- sits at the far end of the island. A large, purple-skinned monster sits upon it with pride. The golden armor shining almost as brightly as his crooked smile.

"Ivanna, Queen of Asgard and protector of the realms, how kind of you to join me in my own home, to what do I owe your visit?" He sounds sincere, he sounds welcoming.

"You've murdered one of my allies in cold blood and you've threatened his world, along with the others, you dare sit there with a smirk on your face trying to welcome me in to your home like a guest?!"

His smile doesn't fade, "I'd hardly call that murder."

"Then what was it?" I ask furiously.

"Taking what was mine." He says, the smile dropping off his face as he clenches his fist.

"And what give you the rights to the Infinity Stones?"

"And what gives them to you?!" He asks, standing from his throne.

"I've fought for them!" I say.

"As have I, or are my accomplishments not as good as yours?" He asks, stepping forward.

"Yours are ruthless."

He keeps pacing toward me, chortling, "Are they? I believe my reasons exceed yours by far. You do it for pride, you do it because you don't want to be seen as the frightened, insecure girl that you are. I, however, I am doing it out of love. I want to give her everything I possibly can, and if it's the lives of the galaxy, she shall have it."

"You're a murderer and a fool." I say.

"And you aren't?" He asks, "You've killed how many for Asgard? You've taken how many lives for your title?"

"I don't take innocent lives."

"And what determines innocence?!"

I pull the staff off my back and place it between us. I turn and spin the staff upward into his jaw, making him stumble back, but not much.

The corners of his mouth turn upward into a crooked grin, "So that's how it's going to be?"

I'm not sure if this was such a great plan.

He steps forward and swings, the Infinity Gauntlet colliding with my chest, knocking me backward. I can't breathe; I think I've forgotten how.

He stands over me, ready to kick me, but I quickly roll out of the way, scrambling to my feet. I manage to get both of them under me as Thanos turns, sending a huge fist toward me. I manage to stumble back before he hits me. He swings again, and again, each swing getting closer and closer.

I need time to think.

I take two steps back instead of one, giving me just enough time to open another portal with the Tesseract, which I step back in to and close. The other side is behind Thanos, and I take my chance. I raise the staff and hit what little exposed neck he has.

He crumples to the ground at my feet, groaning heavily. He's not going to die, but he's certainly not going to retaliate.

That's what should've happened.

As the staff collides with his neck, he turns, flinching under the blow, but certainly not passing out or collapsing. He reaches for the staff, but I pull it out of his hand before he gets a good grip.

I take the liberty of using the Tesseract again, opening another portal behind me, and again, shutting it before he can follow me. When I step out, I'm a good thirty feet away from Thanos. That will buy me time. A few seconds, but time all the same.

"If that's how you're going to fight, so be it!" Thanos bellows as he finally sees me.

He lifts his hand, the Infinity Gauntlet slightly glowing. Shards of the aether rise from nowhere and take their aim. They launch forward and I have but a moment to react. I throw my hand up, creating a shield from the instinct. A green glow shines off my armor as the Aether strikes the product of another stone.

Thanos looks at me with disbelief.

I smile cockily, "You're going to have to try a lot harder if you wish to kill me."

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