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Anyone really want it to be summer? I want it to be summer sooooo bad. Welp, to the story!

hi this is still gonna b summer themed but completely different from the the first oneshot

Ah, summer camp, the best week of the three month long break for young kids. Playing volleyball by the lake, hiking in the woods, it was all part of the fun. But you weren't a kid, so what were you doing there? You decided to get a job this summer instead of waiting for senior year of high school in dispair. So, you we're now a camp counselor at Camp Chateaugay with your lovely boyfriend, Yami.

Today was the second to last day of the camp so you and the girls in your cabin were trying to make the most of it. You were in a group with kids aged eight to twelve, so you had to act pretty motherly so they wouldn't get homesick. Your cabin had eight girls and was the color red, and Yami's was the opposing color blue. So of course the two cabins were competing for the most 'cabin points' like in Harry Potter (i've never read harry potter don't quote me on that lmao).

Waking the kids up at about eight, you all headed to the mess hall where the breakfast was served.  Sitting down next to your boyfriend and the other councilors in a plastic chair, you sighed and laid you head on the table. "y/n, babe what's up?" he said and rubbed your back soothingly, "I'm just tired, the girls would not fall asleep last night." With a laugh he ruffled your hair, "That's how kids are silly." You lifted your head up and smiled at him, pecking his cheek, "I'm gonna grab something to eat, wanna join?"

Now it's one and also the hottest point of the day. But, it was cabin competition time and today you guys were playing charades. So the red and blue teams gathered the the small outside theater excited and ready to go. "Alright everyone, I'm sure you know how to play charades. You get a piece of paper and act out what that paper says, but today there's a little twist," you began, letting Yami finish the instructions off for you. "The other team will be coming up with the word for the person up on stage, making it harder for your team to score," he said, clapping his hands together. "There will be three rounds, rounds being three times someone from your team goes up on stage. So choose those people carefully and pay attention!" you finished, "Oh! Also! Yami and I will be playing too!"

So the game began, and your team was up first. The girls chose an eleven year old named Yazzie who was very expressive and optimistic. The boys team beckoned her over and whispered into her ear what the word was. She grimaced a little then nodded, fixing her brown ponytail while Yami called out a 'go!' for her to start. She held up three fingers, as the girls shouted, "Three words! Three words!" She began to toss something in a circular motion up in the air with both hands, when a little girl called out, "Making a pizza!" Yazzie pointed and said, "That's it!"

This went on for a while until your team won over the blond's. After it was about three, so the kids decided to go back to their respective cabins and hang out for a while. "Hey Yami," you said as you walked down the dirt path together, "I'm glad we're doing this, it's been so much fun." He smiled and grabbed your hand, "Me too, y/n."

Later on in the night, all of the groups got together. They were telling stories around the fire and roasting marshmallows, the sound of crickets chirping keeping everyone company. Since all the other councilors were there, your boyfriend tugged at your arm, trying to make you sneak away with him. With a bit of hesitation at first, you had finally given in and let him take you wherever it was you were going.

The dock, that's where you wound up with him. It was dark so you both couldn't really see, but you were still chatting and having a good time. "Take off your clothes," he said calmly, "Excuse me?" You replied, baffled at his words. "I didn't mean it like that," he chuckled, "let's skinny dip." You thought about it for a second, "What if one of the kids sees us or something gross, ew I don't even like talking about it." You hid your face in your palms, cheeks blazing red. "y/n, they're on the other side of the camp, they won't see us," he said, a smile on his features.

"Fine," you said, "but look away you creep." He laughed, "I know, I will." So you both stripped naked and hopped into the cool lake. You slashed each other and overall just had a good time enjoying the company.

"Hey, y/n," "Yeah, Yami?" "Is that a leech on your back?"

Hi there. How are you?
Up Next: Astral

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