I walked back to my table to pick up a stack of files, ignoring Dubbler complaints. "These are a stack of complaints by individuals in town, citizens who was arrested by this officer for unnecessary reasons; such as traffic tickets or speeding. Things that mainly deserve tickets not handcuffs." I gave the stack of files to the officer so he can give it to the judge. "Apparently Mr. Mitchell doesn't like back talking and takes things out on the people he arrest."

"What is your point Ms. Hunter?" Judge Thomas looked down at me with a questionable look.

"The point is your honor, Mr. Mitchell beat my client because he didn't get his way. His anger for the citizens in this town is obviously provable and his report saying that my client charged at him is a lie. There's not a single scare nor scratch on his face nor body, no recent medical records saying he was injured in a fight nor a camera showing he was attacked. But there is one camera that shows Mr. O'del being mistreated by Mr. Mitchell." I made my way to the television set that was displayed in the corner of the room so everyone can see.
"A video that was recorded on a phone, the person who filmed the video was filming his wife as you can see and ended up getting Mr. Mitchell in his shot." I turned on the disc to show from the scum getting out his car and to him beating Mr. O'del. After the video was over, I turned off the tv and turned my body towards Mr. Mitchell who was shitting bricks. "I'm done." I announced before sitting next to Mr. O'del, not before giving Dubbler a wink and smile.

Judge Thomas looked towards Dubnler for a response. "Mr. Dubbler, do you want to question your client?"

Dubbler's mouth gaps open like a fish, obviously shocked from my accurate evidence; he didn't know what to do. He was stuck, just the way I like it. "I-I think we should go into recess, your honor."

Judge Thomas nod in understanding before hitting the gravel and calling out for recess.


Glasses clinking was over heard by the music and chatter in the crowded bar. Everyone was overjoyed tonight and celebrating the very first win with a Police officer. I for one was the most excited one of them all, this was my very first actual case that dealt with police brutality and to win the case like that was like earning a gold metal.

"To TJ, for being the best goddamn lawyer in this town," a older man yelled out while holding his beer up. Everyone cheered to me before down there drinks while I sip on my orange soda.

"Thanks," I said loud enough for everyone to hear me.

"I'm so glad you won," Chanel squeaked before pulling me into a tight hug.

"Me too, I was kinda nervous truthfully." I said with a chuckle.

Chanel looked at me with shock. "That was you being nervous, damn girl remind me to not to be your opponent. Like seriously, you made me want to confess."

"I heard that you rocked up there, I wish I was there to see it," Richard said as he slide next to me in the booth. "Maybe I can get you to defend me on these traffic tickets."

I shook my head from his slight humor. "You on your own with that one, buddy."

"Anywho, I wanted to ask you something." Chanel grabbed both of my hands. "Can you come with me to California? I want to invest into this company but I need a lawyer by my side so I can go over a contract. Please say yes."

California? "Um, Chanel-"

She pouts her lips. "Oh come on, please say yes. The ticket is already paid for, the hotel is set up. All you need to do is say yes."

A smile crept on my face as I nod my head yes. "Of course I will."

"Yay! Omg we're going to have a trip together, finally!" Chanel screams, making Richard and I laugh.

Later that night, I went home to a quiet house. Grandma was sleeping in her room when I checked, which was good because she wasn't staying up all night for me. I took a shower, washed my makeup off, washed my hair and shaved before getting out and drying myself off so I can crawl into bed.

As I put my clothes on, a glint of light from outside attracted my attention. At first I just pushed it aside, but when the light seem to grown larger in size; that's when I went to the window to see a large crucifix on fire.

"Christ!" I yelled out s I hurried to push on my shoes, ran out my room to go down stairs to get the fire extinguisher. "Grandma! Wake up! Call the fire department!" I yelled before going outside to put out the fire, which did not help at all. 

Soon enough the fire department came and took out the fire. Apparently grandma called Dylan too because he was by my side with his comforting arms wrapped around my body. I was shaking, mainly in shock and fear. I've seen these things on movies and what I've seen is; they'll do more than burning a large wooden crucifix on your yard.

I immediately felt even more unsafe here than I was with Robert. At that moment I wanted to leave and go back to Seattle, but if I did they'll know they got to me so easily. Apparently they don't know me as well as they think they did.. Well to say this; I'm TJ Hunter and it takes more than this to send me away...

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