My life update #1

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Hey guys,

I haven't really updated much lately and I'm not going to say some crap excuse. I'm just lazy and tbh, I'm not really up to writing atm. Like, I know what I want to write but I just can't be asked.

Anyways, since this is like the first time in forever since I've uploaded, I'm just going to do an update of my life rn.

Enjoy, or don't because you'll probably find my life quite boring. Your loss.

So on Saturday, I had a hockey match. Yay! 😊

And it was going fine until I was hit in the head with a hockey ball.

Let me explain. The details won't be accurate because I can't remember them. Let me put this simply.

One of the players from the other team flicked or hit it up (Idek) and it went straight into my head in a horizontal way. All I heard was a clink in my head and I was down. I don't think I passed out. Everything went black as I was falling but then I was lying down with my face in the astro turf thinking, "what the fuck just happened"

After about a minute of lying there thinking, "what the fuck am I supposed to do now" the umpires, my coaches, a few of my team mates and my parents all come over. I was then told to slowly roll over onto my shoulder and to take deep breathes. I didn't feel sick or dizzy and I didn't have a headache and my sight was fine. I was honestly shocked that I didn't pass out. Baring in mind it was a solid ball of plastic that was hit from about three metres from where I was standing. Everyone else thought I had passed out from the way that I had fell down and the fact that I hadn't moved.

By the end of it, I was more upset that I wasn't allowed to play for the rest of the match than I was about the massive bruise on the top of my head.

Then again, I got lucky. If it had hit my forehead I would have passed out. If it had hit my nose, it would've broke. If it had hit my eye, I would've had a black eye.

So yeah, that was Saturday.

But because of it, I couldn't go round my friend Lizzies (IPlizard ) house for a sleep over. We were so excited as well.

That's about it for an update. Oh yeah, it's half term as well! Yay. But my mum wants to sort out my room at some point as it's a rubbish tip. Not so yay.
Wish me luck

Ttyl, Livvy

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