A couple of random stuff you should know about me

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Don't worry, I'm not going to cry about "Dear John" again. I've gotten over it. As soon as I watched "White House Down", I felt better. Channing Tatum is such a badass in that movie.

Any way, I read @SecrecyBusiness chapter about some random stuff about her and I thought, why not?

So here are some stuff about me that you may not have already known.

1. Family and friends mean the world to me.

2. My dream job keeps changing every now and again. First, I wanted to be a PE teacher, then I wanted to be a hockey coach, then I wanted to be a fire fighter, and now I'm stuck between a police officer or joining the armed forces. I guess I just want to give something back to the people who have protected me, my family, and my country.

Does anyone else have this problem?

3. I don't take shit from anyone. Why should I let people upset me and bring me down?

4. I miss hockey sooooo much it's unbelievable.

5. I hate art. I think that art should die.

6. I'm not insecure about how I look or what people may think of me. I'm not going to change for other people. That's their problem.

7. The only teachers I like and get on with at school are the PE teachers. They know me and I feel that when I have a problem, I will go to them.

8. I'm extremely active. I can't sit still for a minute.

9. If I have problems, I shut myself away from society until I've calmed down. As you can imagine, at school it's very difficult.

10. I'm comforted by small things like a nice book to read, sport so I can eliminate my thoughts and emotions through team work and exercise.

11. Calming down isn't easy for me. So when I can I take a walk or a run away from people to clear my head.

12. I don't get a lot of sleep. I'd say that at the moment, I'm getting 5-7 hours sleep which isn't good. Apparently lack of sleep can cause heart problems and strokes in the future. I think I should stop watching YouTube at ten and go to sleep instead of staying up till 12AM.

13. Even if I'm really tired when I wake up in the morning, I will still get up.

14. I think of myself as: Annoying, smart, crazy, sporty, obnoxious, arrogant, serious-at-times-when-I-shouldn't-be.

15. I really like:

Channing Tatum- Actor

Shawn Mendes- Singer

Taylor Swift- Singer

Ed Sheeran- Singer

Hockey- Sport

Cricket- Sport

Rugby- Sport

Chicken- Food (duh)

And many more things I can't be bothered to type coz I'm really tired.

We all know I'm going to stay up until my battery dies on my kindle, bare in mind it's at 90%.

That's it for today.

See you next time for another #LiveWithLivvy

Hope your having a great summer, wherever you are!! :)


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