Chapter 1 Siblings and why I feel sorry for mine.

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I'm pretty sure lots of people have siblings who they want to kill half the time.

You see, I have a twin sister and an older brother. Sometimes my siblings get so annoying, I have a break down in my room and blame myself for it.

I don't know why.

But I feel so sorry for my brother and sister sometimes for having me as a sister.

These are a few of the things I do to them:

(This one is mainly for my sister)
-Whever it's a school day and I'm up before her, I go into her room and either, switch the light on and off, or, run into her room and shout "Get up, Get up!!"right in her ear.

Boy is she pissed!

-I'm going to put this simply, I annoy the s*** out of them. I don't really know what I do or why I do it but when I'm in a happy mood, words come out my mouth which basically forces my brother and sister to hate me.

Once I pissed my brother off so badly, he came in my room and took my kindle off me. He walked out and I screamed at him.
I love my brother. Most of the time.

So that's it for this chapter.

MollieP-T and That_Purple_Sandwich tagged me to do the 25 question tag. That will be uploaded soon. Thanks guys.

I tag @ That_Purple_Sandwich and RandomFnafWriter to do it if they haven't already.



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